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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
# the BSD License:
from io import BytesIO
import sys
from unittest import skipIf
from git import (
from git.test.lib import TestBase
from git.util import HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS
import os.path as osp
class TestTree(TestBase):
@skipIf(HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS and sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 5), """
File "C:\\projects\\gitpython\\git\\", line 559, in execute
raise GitCommandNotFound(command, err)
git.exc.GitCommandNotFound: Cmd('git') not found due to: OSError('[WinError 6] The handle is invalid')
cmdline: git cat-file --batch-check""")
def test_serializable(self):
# tree at the given commit contains a submodule as well
roottree = self.rorepo.tree('6c1faef799095f3990e9970bc2cb10aa0221cf9c')
for item in roottree.traverse(ignore_self=False):
if item.type != Tree.type:
# END skip non-trees
tree = item
# trees have no dict
self.failUnlessRaises(AttributeError, setattr, tree, 'someattr', 1)
orig_data =
orig_cache = tree._cache
stream = BytesIO()
assert stream.getvalue() == orig_data
testtree = Tree(self.rorepo, Tree.NULL_BIN_SHA, 0, '')
assert testtree._cache == orig_cache
# replaces cache, but we make sure of it
# END for each item in tree
@skipIf(HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS and sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 5), """
File "C:\\projects\\gitpython\\git\\", line 559, in execute
raise GitCommandNotFound(command, err)
git.exc.GitCommandNotFound: Cmd('git') not found due to: OSError('[WinError 6] The handle is invalid')
cmdline: git cat-file --batch-check""")
def test_traverse(self):
root = self.rorepo.tree('0.1.6')
num_recursive = 0
all_items = []
for obj in root.traverse():
if "/" in obj.path:
num_recursive += 1
assert isinstance(obj, (Blob, Tree))
# END for each object
assert all_items == root.list_traverse()
# limit recursion level to 0 - should be same as default iteration
assert all_items
assert 'CHANGES' in root
assert len(list(root)) == len(list(root.traverse(depth=1)))
# only choose trees
trees_only = lambda i, d: i.type == "tree"
trees = list(root.traverse(predicate=trees_only))
assert len(trees) == len([i for i in root.traverse() if trees_only(i, 0)])
# test prune
lib_folder = lambda t, d: t.path == "lib"
pruned_trees = list(root.traverse(predicate=trees_only, prune=lib_folder))
assert len(pruned_trees) < len(trees)
# trees and blobs
assert len(set(trees) | set(root.trees)) == len(trees)
assert len({b for b in root if isinstance(b, Blob)} | set(root.blobs)) == len(root.blobs)
subitem = trees[0][0]
assert "/" in subitem.path
assert == osp.basename(subitem.path)
# assure that at some point the traversed paths have a slash in them
found_slash = False
for item in root.traverse():
assert osp.isabs(item.abspath)
if '/' in item.path:
found_slash = True
# END check for slash
# slashes in paths are supported as well
# NOTE: on py3, / doesn't work with strings anymore ...
assert root[item.path] == item == root / item.path
# END for each item
assert found_slash