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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
from collections import Iterable
from difflib import unified_diff
from functools import partial
from pprint import pformat
from re import compile, MULTILINE
from types import GeneratorType
from testfixtures import not_there
from testfixtures.compat import ClassType, Unicode, basestring, PY3
from testfixtures.resolve import resolve
from testfixtures.utils import indent
from testfixtures.mock import parent_name, mock_call, unittest_mock_call
def compare_simple(x, y, context):
Returns a very simple textual difference between the two supplied objects.
if x != y:
return context.label('x', repr(x)) + ' != ' + context.label('y', repr(y))
def _extract_attrs(obj, ignore=None):
has_slots = getattr(obj, '__slots__', not_there) is not not_there
if has_slots:
slots = set()
for cls in type(obj).__mro__:
slots.update(getattr(cls, '__slots__', ()))
attrs = {}
for n in slots:
value = getattr(obj, n, not_there)
if value is not not_there:
attrs[n] = value
attrs = vars(obj).copy()
except TypeError:
return None
if isinstance(obj, BaseException):
attrs['args'] = obj.args
if ignore is not None:
if isinstance(ignore, dict):
ignore = ignore.get(type(obj), ())
for attr in ignore:
attrs.pop(attr, None)
return attrs
def compare_object(x, y, context):
Compare the two supplied objects based on their type and attributes.
:param ignore_attributes:
Either a sequence of strings containing attribute names to be ignored
when comparing or a mapping of type to sequence of strings containing
attribute names to be ignored when comparing that type.
ignore_attributes = context.get_option('ignore_attributes', ())
if type(x) is not type(y) or isinstance(x, ClassType):
return compare_simple(x, y, context)
x_attrs = _extract_attrs(x, ignore_attributes)
y_attrs = _extract_attrs(y, ignore_attributes)
if x_attrs is None or y_attrs is None or not (x_attrs and y_attrs):
return compare_simple(x, y, context)
if x_attrs != y_attrs:
return _compare_mapping(x_attrs, y_attrs, context, x,
'attributes ', '.%s')
def compare_exception(x, y, context):
Compare the two supplied exceptions based on their message, type and
if x.args != y.args:
return compare_simple(x, y, context)
return compare_object(x, y, context)
def compare_with_type(x, y, context):
Return a textual description of the difference between two objects
including information about their types.
source = locals()
to_render = {}
for name in 'x', 'y':
obj = source[name]
to_render[name] = context.label(
'{0} ({1!r})'.format(_short_repr(obj), type(obj))
return '{x} != {y}'.format(**to_render)
def compare_sequence(x, y, context):
Returns a textual description of the differences between the two
supplied sequences.
l_x = len(x)
l_y = len(y)
i = 0
while i < l_x and i < l_y:
if context.different(x[i], y[i], '[%i]' % i):
i += 1
if l_x == l_y and i == l_x:
return ('sequence not as expected:\n\n'
'%s:\n%s') % (pformat(x[:i]),
context.x_label or 'first', pformat(x[i:]),
context.y_label or 'second', pformat(y[i:]),
def compare_generator(x, y, context):
Returns a textual description of the differences between the two
supplied generators.
This is done by first unwinding each of the generators supplied
into tuples and then passing those tuples to
x = tuple(x)
y = tuple(y)
if not context.ignore_eq and x == y:
return compare_sequence(x, y, context)
def compare_tuple(x, y, context):
Returns a textual difference between two tuples or
:func:`collections.namedtuple` instances.
The presence of a ``_fields`` attribute on a tuple is used to
decide whether or not it is a :func:`~collections.namedtuple`.
x_fields = getattr(x, '_fields', None)
y_fields = getattr(y, '_fields', None)
if x_fields and y_fields:
if x_fields == y_fields:
return _compare_mapping(dict(zip(x_fields, x)),
dict(zip(y_fields, y)),
return compare_with_type(x, y, context)
return compare_sequence(x, y, context)
def compare_dict(x, y, context):
Returns a textual description of the differences between the two
supplied dictionaries.
return _compare_mapping(x, y, context, x)
def sorted_by_repr(sequence):
return sorted(sequence, key=lambda o: repr(o))
def _compare_mapping(x, y, context, obj_for_class,
prefix='', breadcrumb='[%r]',
x_keys = set(x.keys())
y_keys = set(y.keys())
x_not_y = x_keys - y_keys
y_not_x = y_keys - x_keys
same = []
diffs = []
for key in sorted_by_repr(x_keys.intersection(y_keys)):
if context.different(x[key], y[key], breadcrumb % (key, )):
diffs.append('%r: %s != %s' % (
context.label('x', pformat(x[key])),
context.label('y', pformat(y[key])),
if not (x_not_y or (check_y_not_x and y_not_x) or diffs):
if obj_for_class is not_there:
lines = []
lines = ['%s not as expected:' % obj_for_class.__class__.__name__]
if same:
same = sorted(same)
except TypeError:
lines.extend(('', '%ssame:' % prefix, repr(same)))
x_label = context.x_label or 'first'
y_label = context.y_label or 'second'
if x_not_y:
lines.extend(('', '%sin %s but not %s:' % (prefix, x_label, y_label)))
for key in sorted_by_repr(x_not_y):
lines.append('%r: %s' % (
if y_not_x:
lines.extend(('', '%sin %s but not %s:' % (prefix, y_label, x_label)))
for key in sorted_by_repr(y_not_x):
lines.append('%r: %s' % (
if diffs:
lines.extend(('', '%sdiffer:' % (prefix or 'values ')))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def compare_set(x, y, context):
Returns a textual description of the differences between the two
supplied sets.
x_not_y = x - y
y_not_x = y - x
if not (y_not_x or x_not_y):
lines = ['%s not as expected:' % x.__class__.__name__, '']
x_label = context.x_label or 'first'
y_label = context.y_label or 'second'
if x_not_y:
'in %s but not %s:' % (x_label, y_label),
if y_not_x:
'in %s but not %s:' % (y_label, x_label),
return '\n'.join(lines)+'\n'
trailing_whitespace_re = compile('\s+$', MULTILINE)
def strip_blank_lines(text):
result = []
for line in text.split('\n'):
if line and not line.isspace():
return '\n'.join(result)
def split_repr(text):
parts = text.split('\n')
for i, part in enumerate(parts[:-1]):
parts[i] = repr(part + '\n')
parts[-1] = repr(parts[-1])
return '\n'.join(parts)
def compare_text(x, y, context):
Returns an informative string describing the differences between the two
supplied strings. The way in which this comparison is performed
can be controlled using the following parameters:
:param blanklines: If `False`, then when comparing multi-line
strings, any blank lines in either argument
will be ignored.
:param trailing_whitespace: If `False`, then when comparing
multi-line strings, trailing
whilespace on lines will be ignored.
:param show_whitespace: If `True`, then whitespace characters in
multi-line strings will be replaced with their
blanklines = context.get_option('blanklines', True)
trailing_whitespace = context.get_option('trailing_whitespace', True)
show_whitespace = context.get_option('show_whitespace', False)
if not trailing_whitespace:
x = trailing_whitespace_re.sub('', x)
y = trailing_whitespace_re.sub('', y)
if not blanklines:
x = strip_blank_lines(x)
y = strip_blank_lines(y)
if x == y:
labelled_x = context.label('x', repr(x))
labelled_y = context.label('y', repr(y))
if len(x) > 10 or len(y) > 10:
if '\n' in x or '\n' in y:
if show_whitespace:
x = split_repr(x)
y = split_repr(y)
message = '\n' + diff(x, y, context.x_label, context.y_label)
message = '\n%s\n!=\n%s' % (labelled_x, labelled_y)
message = labelled_x+' != '+labelled_y
return message
def compare_bytes(x, y, context):
if x == y:
labelled_x = context.label('x', repr(x))
labelled_y = context.label('y', repr(y))
return '\n%s\n!=\n%s' % (labelled_x, labelled_y)
def compare_call(x, y, context):
if x == y:
x_name, x_args, x_kw = x
y_name, y_args, y_kw = y
if x_name == y_name and x_args == y_args and x_kw == y_kw:
return compare_call(getattr(x, parent_name), getattr(y, parent_name), context)
return compare_text(repr(x), repr(y), context)
def compare_partial(x, y, context):
x_attrs = dict(func=x.func, args=x.args, keywords=x.keywords)
y_attrs = dict(func=y.func, args=y.args, keywords=y.keywords)
if x_attrs != y_attrs:
return _compare_mapping(x_attrs, y_attrs, context, x,
'attributes ', '.%s')
def _short_repr(obj):
repr_ = repr(obj)
if len(repr_) > 30:
repr_ = repr_[:30] + '...'
return repr_
_registry = {
dict: compare_dict,
set: compare_set,
list: compare_sequence,
tuple: compare_tuple,
str: compare_text,
Unicode: compare_text,
int: compare_simple,
float: compare_simple,
GeneratorType: compare_generator,
mock_call.__class__: compare_call,
unittest_mock_call.__class__: compare_call,
BaseException: compare_exception,
partial: compare_partial,
if PY3:
_registry[bytes] = compare_bytes
def register(type, comparer):
Register the supplied comparer for the specified type.
This registration is global and will be in effect from the point
this function is called until the end of the current process.
_registry[type] = comparer
def _mro(obj):
class_ = getattr(obj, '__class__', None)
if class_ is None:
# must be an old-style class object in Python 2!
return (obj, )
mro = getattr(class_, '__mro__', None)
if mro is None:
# instance of old-style class in Python 2!
return (class_, )
return mro
def _shared_mro(x, y):
y_mro = set(_mro(y))
for class_ in _mro(x):
if class_ in y_mro:
yield class_
_unsafe_iterables = basestring, dict
class CompareContext(object):
x_label = y_label = None
def __init__(self, options):
self.registries = []
comparers = options.pop('comparers', None)
if comparers:
self.recursive = options.pop('recursive', True)
self.strict = options.pop('strict', False)
self.ignore_eq = options.pop('ignore_eq', False)
if 'expected' in options or 'actual' in options:
self.x_label = 'expected'
self.y_label = 'actual'
self.x_label = options.pop('x_label', self.x_label)
self.y_label = options.pop('y_label', self.y_label)
self.options = options
self.message = ''
self.breadcrumbs = []
self._seen = set()
def extract_args(self, args):
possible = []
expected = self.options.pop('expected', not_there)
if expected is not not_there:
actual = self.options.pop('actual', not_there)
if actual is not not_there:
if len(possible) != 2:
message = 'Exactly two objects needed, you supplied:'
if possible:
message += ' {}'.format(possible)
if self.options:
message += ' {}'.format(self.options)
raise TypeError(message)
return possible
def get_option(self, name, default=None):
return self.options.get(name, default)
def label(self, side, value):
r = str(value)
label = getattr(self, side+'_label')
if label:
r += ' ('+label+')'
return r
def _lookup(self, x, y):
if self.strict and type(x) is not type(y):
return compare_with_type
for class_ in _shared_mro(x, y):
for registry in self.registries:
comparer = registry.get(class_)
if comparer:
return comparer
# fallback for iterables
if ((isinstance(x, Iterable) and isinstance(y, Iterable)) and not
(isinstance(x, _unsafe_iterables) or
isinstance(y, _unsafe_iterables))):
return compare_generator
# special handling for Comparisons:
if isinstance(x, Comparison) or isinstance(y, Comparison):
return compare_simple
return compare_object
def _separator(self):
return '\n\nWhile comparing %s: ' % ''.join(self.breadcrumbs[1:])
def seen(self, x, y):
key = id(x), id(y)
if key in self._seen:
return True
def different(self, x, y, breadcrumb):
if self.seen(x, y):
# a self-referential hierarchy; so lets say this one is
# equal and hope the first time we saw it covers things...
return False
recursed = bool(self.breadcrumbs)
existing_message = self.message
self.message = ''
current_message = ''
if not (self.strict or self.ignore_eq) and x == y:
return False
comparer = self._lookup(x, y)
result = comparer(x, y, self)
specific_comparer = comparer is not compare_simple
if self.strict:
if x == y and not specific_comparer:
return False
if result:
if specific_comparer and recursed:
current_message = self._separator()
if specific_comparer or not recursed:
current_message += result
if self.recursive:
current_message += self.message
return result
self.message = existing_message + current_message
def compare(*args, **kw):
Compare the two arguments passed either positionally or using
explicit ``expected`` and ``actual`` keyword paramaters. An
:class:`AssertionError` will be raised if they are not the same.
The :class:`AssertionError` raised will attempt to provide
descriptions of the differences found.
Any other keyword parameters supplied will be passed to the functions
that end up doing the comparison. See the API documentation below
for details of these.
:param prefix: If provided, in the event of an :class:`AssertionError`
being raised, the prefix supplied will be prepended to the
message in the :class:`AssertionError`.
:param suffix: If provided, in the event of an :class:`AssertionError`
being raised, the suffix supplied will be appended to the
message in the :class:`AssertionError`.
:param raises: If ``False``, the message that would be raised in the
:class:`AssertionError` will be returned instead of the
exception being raised.
:param recursive: If ``True``, when a difference is found in a
nested data structure, attempt to highlight the location
of the difference.
:param strict: If ``True``, objects will only compare equal if they are
of the same type as well as being equal.
:param ignore_eq: If ``True``, object equality, which relies on ``__eq__``
being correctly implemented, will not be used.
Instead, comparers will be looked up and used
and, if no suitable comparer is found, objects will
be considered equal if their hash is equal.
:param comparers: If supplied, should be a dictionary mapping
types to comparer functions for those types. These will
be added to the comparer registry for the duration
of this call.
__tracebackhide__ = True
prefix = kw.pop('prefix', None)
suffix = kw.pop('suffix', None)
raises = kw.pop('raises', True)
context = CompareContext(kw)
x, y = context.extract_args(args)
if not context.different(x, y, not_there):
message = context.message
if prefix:
message = prefix + ': ' + message
if suffix:
message += '\n' + suffix
if raises:
raise AssertionError(message)
return message
class Comparison(object):
These are used when you need to compare objects
that do not natively support comparison.
:param object_or_type: The object or class from which to create the
:param attribute_dict: An optional dictionary containing attibutes
to place on the :class:`Comparison`.
:param strict: If true, any expected attributes not present or extra
attributes not expected on the object involved in the
comparison will cause the comparison to fail.
:param attributes: Any other keyword parameters passed will placed
as attributes on the :class:`Comparison`.
failed = None
def __init__(self,
if attributes:
if attribute_dict is None:
attribute_dict = attributes
if isinstance(object_or_type, basestring):
container, method, name, c = resolve(object_or_type)
if c is not_there:
raise AttributeError(
'%r could not be resolved' % object_or_type
elif isinstance(object_or_type, (ClassType, type)):
c = object_or_type
c = object_or_type.__class__
if attribute_dict is None:
attribute_dict = _extract_attrs(object_or_type)
self.c = c
self.v = attribute_dict
self.strict = strict
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.c is not other.__class__:
self.failed = 'wrong type'
return False
if self.v is None:
return True
if self.strict:
v = _extract_attrs(other)
v = {}
for k in self.v.keys():
v[k] = getattr(other, k)
except AttributeError:
kw = {'x_label': 'Comparison', 'y_label': 'actual'}
context = CompareContext(kw)
self.failed = _compare_mapping(self.v,
prefix='attributes ',
return not self.failed
def __ne__(self, other):
return not(self == other)
def __repr__(self):
name = getattr(self.c, '__module__', '')
if name:
name += '.'
name += getattr(self.c, '__name__', '')
if not name:
name = repr(self.c)
text = ''
if self.failed:
text = self.failed
elif self.v:
lines = []
for k, v in sorted(self.v.items()):
rv = repr(v)
if '\n' in rv:
rv = indent(rv)
lines.append('%s: %s' % (k, rv))
text = '\n'.join(lines)
if len(lines) > 1:
text = '\n'+text
r = '<C%s:%s>' % (self.failed and '(failed)' or '', name)
if '\n' in text:
r = '\n'+r+text+'\n'
r += text
if text:
r += '</C>'
return r
class StringComparison:
An object that can be used in comparisons of expected and actual
strings where the string expected matches a pattern rather than a
specific concrete string.
:param regex_source: A string containing the source for a regular
expression that will be used whenever this
:class:`StringComparison` is compared with
any :class:`basestring` instance.
def __init__(self, regex_source): = compile(regex_source)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, basestring):
return True
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __repr__(self):
return '<S:%s>' %
def __lt__(self, other):
return < other
def __gt__(self, other):
return > other
class RoundComparison:
An object that can be used in comparisons of expected and actual
numerics to a specified precision.
:param value: numeric to be compared.
:param precision: Number of decimal places to round to in order
to perform the comparison.
def __init__(self, value, precision):
self.rounded = round(value, precision)
self.precision = precision
def __eq__(self, other):
other_rounded = round(other, self.precision)
if type(self.rounded) is not type(other_rounded):
raise TypeError('Cannot compare %r with %r' % (self, type(other)))
return self.rounded == other_rounded
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __repr__(self):
return '<R:%s to %i digits>' % (self.rounded, self.precision)
def diff(x, y, x_label='', y_label=''):
A shorthand function that uses :mod:`difflib` to return a
string representing the differences between the two string
Most useful when comparing multi-line strings.
return '\n'.join(
x_label or 'first',
y_label or 'second',
class RangeComparison:
An object that can be used in comparisons of orderable types to
check that a value specified within the given range.
:param lower_bound: the inclusive lower bound for the acceptable range.
:param upper_bound: the inclusive upper bound for the acceptable range.
def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound):
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.lower_bound <= other <= self.upper_bound
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __repr__(self):
return '<Range: [%s, %s]>' % (self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound)