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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <>
# (c) 2016, Toshio Kuratomi <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import getpass
import operator
import optparse
import os
import subprocess
import re
import sys
import time
import yaml
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import ansible
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleError
from ansible.inventory.manager import InventoryManager
from ansible.module_utils.six import with_metaclass, string_types
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader
from ansible.release import __version__
from ansible.utils.path import unfrackpath
from ansible.utils.vars import load_extra_vars, load_options_vars
from ansible.vars.manager import VariableManager
from ansible.parsing.vault import PromptVaultSecret, get_file_vault_secret
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class SortedOptParser(optparse.OptionParser):
'''Optparser which sorts the options by opt before outputting --help'''
def format_help(self, formatter=None, epilog=None):
return optparse.OptionParser.format_help(self, formatter=None)
# Note: Inherit from SortedOptParser so that we get our format_help method
class InvalidOptsParser(SortedOptParser):
'''Ignore invalid options.
Meant for the special case where we need to take care of help and version
but may not know the full range of options yet. (See it in use in set_action)
def __init__(self, parser):
# Since this is special purposed to just handle help and version, we
# take a pre-existing option parser here and set our options from
# that. This allows us to give accurate help based on the given
# option parser.
SortedOptParser.__init__(self, usage=parser.usage,
self.version = parser.version
def _process_long_opt(self, rargs, values):
optparse.OptionParser._process_long_opt(self, rargs, values)
except optparse.BadOptionError:
def _process_short_opts(self, rargs, values):
optparse.OptionParser._process_short_opts(self, rargs, values)
except optparse.BadOptionError:
class CLI(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
''' code behind bin/ansible* programs '''
_ITALIC = re.compile(r"I\(([^)]+)\)")
_BOLD = re.compile(r"B\(([^)]+)\)")
_MODULE = re.compile(r"M\(([^)]+)\)")
_URL = re.compile(r"U\(([^)]+)\)")
_CONST = re.compile(r"C\(([^)]+)\)")
PAGER = 'less'
# -F (quit-if-one-screen) -R (allow raw ansi control chars)
# -S (chop long lines) -X (disable termcap init and de-init)
def __init__(self, args, callback=None):
Base init method for all command line programs
self.args = args
self.options = None
self.parser = None
self.action = None
self.callback = callback
def set_action(self):
Get the action the user wants to execute from the sys argv list.
for i in range(0, len(self.args)):
arg = self.args[i]
if arg in self.VALID_ACTIONS:
self.action = arg
del self.args[i]
if not self.action:
# if we're asked for help or version, we don't need an action.
# have to use a special purpose Option Parser to figure that out as
# the standard OptionParser throws an error for unknown options and
# without knowing action, we only know of a subset of the options
# that could be legal for this command
tmp_parser = InvalidOptsParser(self.parser)
tmp_options, tmp_args = tmp_parser.parse_args(self.args)
if not(hasattr(tmp_options, 'help') and or (hasattr(tmp_options, 'version') and tmp_options.version):
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Missing required action")
def execute(self):
Actually runs a child defined method using the execute_<action> pattern
fn = getattr(self, "execute_%s" % self.action)
def run(self):
"""Run the ansible command
Subclasses must implement this method. It does the actual work of
running an Ansible command.
display.v(u"Using %s as config file" % to_text(C.CONFIG_FILE))
display.v(u"No config file found; using defaults")
# warn about deprecated config options
for deprecated in C.config.DEPRECATED:
name = deprecated[0]
why = deprecated[1]['why']
if 'alternatives' in deprecated[1]:
alt = ', use %s instead' % deprecated[1]['alternatives']
alt = ''
ver = deprecated[1]['version']
display.deprecated("%s option, %s %s" % (name, why, alt), version=ver)
def split_vault_id(vault_id):
# return (before_@, after_@)
# if no @, return whole string as after_
if '@' not in vault_id:
return (None, vault_id)
parts = vault_id.split('@', 1)
ret = tuple(parts)
return ret
def build_vault_ids(vault_ids, vault_password_files=None,
ask_vault_pass=None, create_new_password=None,
vault_password_files = vault_password_files or []
vault_ids = vault_ids or []
# convert vault_password_files into vault_ids slugs
for password_file in vault_password_files:
id_slug = u'%s@%s' % (C.DEFAULT_VAULT_IDENTITY, password_file)
# note this makes --vault-id higher precendence than --vault-password-file
# if we want to intertwingle them in order probably need a cli callback to populate vault_ids
# used by --vault-id and --vault-password-file
# if an action needs an encrypt password (create_new_password=True) and we dont
# have other secrets setup, then automatically add a password prompt as well.
# prompts cant/shouldnt work without a tty, so dont add prompt secrets
if ask_vault_pass or (not vault_ids and auto_prompt):
id_slug = u'%s@%s' % (C.DEFAULT_VAULT_IDENTITY, u'prompt_ask_vault_pass')
return vault_ids
# TODO: remove the now unused args
def setup_vault_secrets(loader, vault_ids, vault_password_files=None,
ask_vault_pass=None, create_new_password=False,
# list of tuples
vault_secrets = []
# Depending on the vault_id value (including how --ask-vault-pass / --vault-password-file create a vault_id)
# we need to show different prompts. This is for compat with older Towers that expect a
# certain vault password prompt format, so 'promp_ask_vault_pass' vault_id gets the old format.
prompt_formats = {}
# If there are configured default vault identities, they are considered 'first'
# so we prepend them to vault_ids (from cli) here
vault_password_files = vault_password_files or []
if create_new_password:
prompt_formats['prompt'] = ['New vault password (%(vault_id)s): ',
'Confirm vew vault password (%(vault_id)s): ']
# 2.3 format prompts for --ask-vault-pass
prompt_formats['prompt_ask_vault_pass'] = ['New Vault password: ',
'Confirm New Vault password: ']
prompt_formats['prompt'] = ['Vault password (%(vault_id)s): ']
# The format when we use just --ask-vault-pass needs to match 'Vault password:\s*?$'
prompt_formats['prompt_ask_vault_pass'] = ['Vault password: ']
vault_ids = CLI.build_vault_ids(vault_ids,
for vault_id_slug in vault_ids:
vault_id_name, vault_id_value = CLI.split_vault_id(vault_id_slug)
if vault_id_value in ['prompt', 'prompt_ask_vault_pass']:
# --vault-id some_name@prompt_ask_vault_pass --vault-id other_name@prompt_ask_vault_pass will be a little
# confusing since it will use the old format without the vault id in the prompt
built_vault_id = vault_id_name or C.DEFAULT_VAULT_IDENTITY
# choose the prompt based on --vault-id=prompt or --ask-vault-pass. --ask-vault-pass
# always gets the old format for Tower compatibility.
# ie, we used --ask-vault-pass, so we need to use the old vault password prompt
# format since Tower needs to match on that format.
prompted_vault_secret = PromptVaultSecret(prompt_formats=prompt_formats[vault_id_value],
# a empty or invalid password from the prompt will warn and continue to the next
# without erroring globablly
except AnsibleError as exc:
display.warning('Error in vault password prompt (%s): %s' % (vault_id_name, exc))
vault_secrets.append((built_vault_id, prompted_vault_secret))
# update loader with new secrets incrementally, so we can load a vault password
# that is encrypted with a vault secret provided earlier
# assuming anything else is a password file
display.vvvvv('Reading vault password file: %s' % vault_id_value)
# read vault_pass from a file
file_vault_secret = get_file_vault_secret(filename=vault_id_value,
# an invalid password file will error globally
except AnsibleError as exc:
display.warning('Error in vault password file loading (%s): %s' % (vault_id_name, exc))
if vault_id_name:
vault_secrets.append((vault_id_name, file_vault_secret))
vault_secrets.append((C.DEFAULT_VAULT_IDENTITY, file_vault_secret))
# update loader with as-yet-known vault secrets
return vault_secrets
def ask_passwords(self):
''' prompt for connection and become passwords if needed '''
op = self.options
sshpass = None
becomepass = None
become_prompt = ''
become_prompt_method = "BECOME" if C.AGNOSTIC_BECOME_PROMPT else op.become_method.upper()
if op.ask_pass:
sshpass = getpass.getpass(prompt="SSH password: ")
become_prompt = "%s password[defaults to SSH password]: " % become_prompt_method
if sshpass:
sshpass = to_bytes(sshpass, errors='strict', nonstring='simplerepr')
become_prompt = "%s password: " % become_prompt_method
if op.become_ask_pass:
becomepass = getpass.getpass(prompt=become_prompt)
if op.ask_pass and becomepass == '':
becomepass = sshpass
if becomepass:
becomepass = to_bytes(becomepass)
except EOFError:
return (sshpass, becomepass)
def normalize_become_options(self):
''' this keeps backwards compatibility with sudo/su self.options '''
self.options.become_ask_pass = self.options.become_ask_pass or self.options.ask_sudo_pass or self.options.ask_su_pass or C.DEFAULT_BECOME_ASK_PASS
self.options.become_user = self.options.become_user or self.options.sudo_user or self.options.su_user or C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER
def _dep(which):
display.deprecated('The %s command line option has been deprecated in favor of the "become" command line arguments' % which, '2.9')
if self.options.become:
elif self.options.sudo:
self.options.become = True
self.options.become_method = 'sudo'
self.options.become = True
self.options.become_method = 'su'
# other deprecations:
if self.options.ask_sudo_pass or self.options.sudo_user:
if self.options.ask_su_pass or self.options.su_user:
def validate_conflicts(self, vault_opts=False, runas_opts=False, fork_opts=False, vault_rekey_opts=False):
''' check for conflicting options '''
op = self.options
if vault_opts:
# Check for vault related conflicts
if (op.ask_vault_pass and op.vault_password_files):
self.parser.error("--ask-vault-pass and --vault-password-file are mutually exclusive")
if vault_rekey_opts:
if (op.new_vault_id and op.new_vault_password_file):
self.parser.error("--new-vault-password-file and --new-vault-id are mutually exclusive")
if runas_opts:
# Check for privilege escalation conflicts
if (( or op.su_user) and (op.sudo or op.sudo_user) or
( or op.su_user) and (op.become or op.become_user) or
(op.sudo or op.sudo_user) and (op.become or op.become_user)):
self.parser.error("Sudo arguments ('--sudo', '--sudo-user', and '--ask-sudo-pass') and su arguments ('--su', '--su-user', and '--ask-su-pass') "
"and become arguments ('--become', '--become-user', and '--ask-become-pass') are exclusive of each other")
if fork_opts:
if op.forks < 1:
self.parser.error("The number of processes (--forks) must be >= 1")
def unfrack_paths(option, opt, value, parser):
paths = getattr(parser.values, option.dest)
if paths is None:
paths = []
if isinstance(value, string_types):
paths[:0] = [unfrackpath(x) for x in value.split(os.pathsep) if x]
elif isinstance(value, list):
paths[:0] = [unfrackpath(x) for x in value if x]
pass # FIXME: should we raise options error?
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, paths)
def unfrack_path(option, opt, value, parser):
if value != '-':
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, unfrackpath(value))
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
def base_parser(usage="", output_opts=False, runas_opts=False, meta_opts=False, runtask_opts=False, vault_opts=False, module_opts=False,
async_opts=False, connect_opts=False, subset_opts=False, check_opts=False, inventory_opts=False, epilog=None, fork_opts=False,
runas_prompt_opts=False, desc=None, basedir_opts=False, vault_rekey_opts=False):
''' create an options parser for most ansible scripts '''
# base opts
parser = SortedOptParser(usage, version=CLI.version("%prog"), description=desc, epilog=epilog)
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbosity', default=C.DEFAULT_VERBOSITY, action="count",
help="verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)")
if inventory_opts:
parser.add_option('-i', '--inventory', '--inventory-file', dest='inventory', action="append",
help="specify inventory host path or comma separated host list. --inventory-file is deprecated")
parser.add_option('--list-hosts', dest='listhosts', action='store_true',
help='outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else')
parser.add_option('-l', '--limit', default=C.DEFAULT_SUBSET, dest='subset',
help='further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern')
if module_opts:
parser.add_option('-M', '--module-path', dest='module_path', default=None,
help="prepend colon-separated path(s) to module library (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH,
action="callback", callback=CLI.unfrack_paths, type='str')
if runtask_opts:
parser.add_option('-e', '--extra-vars', dest="extra_vars", action="append",
help="set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename prepend with @", default=[])
if fork_opts:
parser.add_option('-f', '--forks', dest='forks', default=C.DEFAULT_FORKS, type='int',
help="specify number of parallel processes to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_FORKS)
if vault_opts:
parser.add_option('--ask-vault-pass', default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_VAULT_PASS, dest='ask_vault_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for vault password')
parser.add_option('--vault-password-file', default=[], dest='vault_password_files',
help="vault password file", action="callback", callback=CLI.unfrack_paths, type='string')
parser.add_option('--vault-id', default=[], dest='vault_ids', action='append', type='string',
help='the vault identity to use')
if vault_rekey_opts:
parser.add_option('--new-vault-password-file', default=None, dest='new_vault_password_file',
help="new vault password file for rekey", action="callback", callback=CLI.unfrack_path, type='string')
parser.add_option('--new-vault-id', default=None, dest='new_vault_id', type='string',
help='the new vault identity to use for rekey')
if subset_opts:
parser.add_option('-t', '--tags', dest='tags', default=C.TAGS_RUN, action='append',
help="only run plays and tasks tagged with these values")
parser.add_option('--skip-tags', dest='skip_tags', default=C.TAGS_SKIP, action='append',
help="only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values")
if output_opts:
parser.add_option('-o', '--one-line', dest='one_line', action='store_true',
help='condense output')
parser.add_option('-t', '--tree', dest='tree', default=None,
help='log output to this directory')
if connect_opts:
connect_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Connection Options", "control as whom and how to connect to hosts")
connect_group.add_option('-k', '--ask-pass', default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_PASS, dest='ask_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for connection password')
connect_group.add_option('--private-key', '--key-file', default=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, dest='private_key_file',
help='use this file to authenticate the connection', action="callback", callback=CLI.unfrack_path, type='string')
connect_group.add_option('-u', '--user', default=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER, dest='remote_user',
help='connect as this user (default=%s)' % C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER)
connect_group.add_option('-c', '--connection', dest='connection', default=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT,
help="connection type to use (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT)
connect_group.add_option('-T', '--timeout', default=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, type='int', dest='timeout',
help="override the connection timeout in seconds (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
connect_group.add_option('--ssh-common-args', default='', dest='ssh_common_args',
help="specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g. ProxyCommand)")
connect_group.add_option('--sftp-extra-args', default='', dest='sftp_extra_args',
help="specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f, -l)")
connect_group.add_option('--scp-extra-args', default='', dest='scp_extra_args',
help="specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l)")
connect_group.add_option('--ssh-extra-args', default='', dest='ssh_extra_args',
help="specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R)")
runas_group = None
rg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Privilege Escalation Options", "control how and which user you become as on target hosts")
if runas_opts:
runas_group = rg
# priv user defaults to root later on to enable detecting when this option was given here
runas_group.add_option("-s", "--sudo", default=C.DEFAULT_SUDO, action="store_true", dest='sudo',
help="run operations with sudo (nopasswd) (deprecated, use become)")
runas_group.add_option('-U', '--sudo-user', dest='sudo_user', default=None,
help='desired sudo user (default=root) (deprecated, use become)')
runas_group.add_option('-S', '--su', default=C.DEFAULT_SU, action='store_true',
help='run operations with su (deprecated, use become)')
runas_group.add_option('-R', '--su-user', default=None,
help='run operations with su as this user (default=%s) (deprecated, use become)' % C.DEFAULT_SU_USER)
# consolidated privilege escalation (become)
runas_group.add_option("-b", "--become", default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME, action="store_true", dest='become',
help="run operations with become (does not imply password prompting)")
runas_group.add_option('--become-method', dest='become_method', default=C.DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD, type='choice', choices=C.BECOME_METHODS,
help="privilege escalation method to use (default=%s), valid choices: [ %s ]" %
runas_group.add_option('--become-user', default=None, dest='become_user', type='string',
help='run operations as this user (default=%s)' % C.DEFAULT_BECOME_USER)
if runas_opts or runas_prompt_opts:
if not runas_group:
runas_group = rg
runas_group.add_option('--ask-sudo-pass', default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_SUDO_PASS, dest='ask_sudo_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for sudo password (deprecated, use become)')
runas_group.add_option('--ask-su-pass', default=C.DEFAULT_ASK_SU_PASS, dest='ask_su_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for su password (deprecated, use become)')
runas_group.add_option('-K', '--ask-become-pass', default=False, dest='become_ask_pass', action='store_true',
help='ask for privilege escalation password')
if runas_group:
if async_opts:
parser.add_option('-P', '--poll', default=C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, type='int', dest='poll_interval',
help="set the poll interval if using -B (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL)
parser.add_option('-B', '--background', dest='seconds', type='int', default=0,
help='run asynchronously, failing after X seconds (default=N/A)')
if check_opts:
parser.add_option("-C", "--check", default=False, dest='check', action='store_true',
help="don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur")
parser.add_option('--syntax-check', dest='syntax', action='store_true',
help="perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it")
parser.add_option("-D", "--diff", default=C.DIFF_ALWAYS, dest='diff', action='store_true',
help="when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with --check")
if meta_opts:
parser.add_option('--force-handlers', default=C.DEFAULT_FORCE_HANDLERS, dest='force_handlers', action='store_true',
help="run handlers even if a task fails")
parser.add_option('--flush-cache', dest='flush_cache', action='store_true',
help="clear the fact cache for every host in inventory")
if basedir_opts:
parser.add_option('--playbook-dir', default=None, dest='basedir', action='store',
help="Since this tool does not use playbooks, use this as a subsitute playbook directory."
"This sets the relative path for many features including roles/ group_vars/ etc.")
return parser
def parse(self):
"""Parse the command line args
This method parses the command line arguments. It uses the parser
stored in the self.parser attribute and saves the args and options in
self.args and self.options respectively.
Subclasses need to implement this method. They will usually create
a base_parser, add their own options to the base_parser, and then call
this method to do the actual parsing. An implementation will look
something like this::
def parse(self):
parser = super(MyCLI, self).base_parser(usage="My Ansible CLI", inventory_opts=True)
parser.add_option('--my-option', dest='my_option', action='store')
self.parser = parser
super(MyCLI, self).parse()
# If some additional transformations are needed for the
# arguments and options, do it here.
self.options, self.args = self.parser.parse_args(self.args[1:])
# process tags
if hasattr(self.options, 'tags') and not self.options.tags:
# optparse defaults does not do what's expected
self.options.tags = ['all']
if hasattr(self.options, 'tags') and self.options.tags:
tags = set()
for tag_set in self.options.tags:
for tag in tag_set.split(u','):
self.options.tags = list(tags)
# process skip_tags
if hasattr(self.options, 'skip_tags') and self.options.skip_tags:
skip_tags = set()
for tag_set in self.options.skip_tags:
for tag in tag_set.split(u','):
self.options.skip_tags = list(skip_tags)
# process inventory options except for CLIs that require their own processing
if hasattr(self.options, 'inventory') and not self.SKIP_INVENTORY_DEFAULTS:
if self.options.inventory:
# should always be list
if isinstance(self.options.inventory, string_types):
self.options.inventory = [self.options.inventory]
# Ensure full paths when needed
self.options.inventory = [unfrackpath(opt, follow=False) if ',' not in opt else opt for opt in self.options.inventory]
self.options.inventory = C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST
def version(prog):
''' return ansible version '''
result = "{0} {1}".format(prog, __version__)
gitinfo = CLI._gitinfo()
if gitinfo:
result = result + " {0}".format(gitinfo)
result += "\n config file = %s" % C.CONFIG_FILE
cpath = "Default w/o overrides"
result = result + "\n configured module search path = %s" % cpath
result = result + "\n ansible python module location = %s" % ':'.join(ansible.__path__)
result = result + "\n executable location = %s" % sys.argv[0]
result = result + "\n python version = %s" % ''.join(sys.version.splitlines())
return result
def version_info(gitinfo=False):
''' return full ansible version info '''
if gitinfo:
# expensive call, user with care
ansible_version_string = CLI.version('')
ansible_version_string = __version__
ansible_version = ansible_version_string.split()[0]
ansible_versions = ansible_version.split('.')
for counter in range(len(ansible_versions)):
if ansible_versions[counter] == "":
ansible_versions[counter] = 0
ansible_versions[counter] = int(ansible_versions[counter])
except Exception:
if len(ansible_versions) < 3:
for counter in range(len(ansible_versions), 3):
return {'string': ansible_version_string.strip(),
'full': ansible_version,
'major': ansible_versions[0],
'minor': ansible_versions[1],
'revision': ansible_versions[2]}
def _git_repo_info(repo_path):
''' returns a string containing git branch, commit id and commit date '''
result = None
if os.path.exists(repo_path):
# Check if the .git is a file. If it is a file, it means that we are in a submodule structure.
if os.path.isfile(repo_path):
gitdir = yaml.safe_load(open(repo_path)).get('gitdir')
# There is a possibility the .git file to have an absolute path.
if os.path.isabs(gitdir):
repo_path = gitdir
repo_path = os.path.join(repo_path[:-4], gitdir)
except (IOError, AttributeError):
return ''
f = open(os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD"))
line = f.readline().rstrip("\n")
if line.startswith("ref:"):
branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, line[5:])
branch_path = None
if branch_path and os.path.exists(branch_path):
branch = '/'.join(line.split('/')[2:])
f = open(branch_path)
commit = f.readline()[:10]
# detached HEAD
commit = line[:10]
branch = 'detached HEAD'
branch_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "HEAD")
date = time.localtime(os.stat(branch_path).st_mtime)
if time.daylight == 0:
offset = time.timezone
offset = time.altzone
result = "({0} {1}) last updated {2} (GMT {3:+04d})".format(branch, commit, time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", date), int(offset / -36))
result = ''
return result
def _gitinfo():
basedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..')
repo_path = os.path.join(basedir, '.git')
result = CLI._git_repo_info(repo_path)
submodules = os.path.join(basedir, '.gitmodules')
if not os.path.exists(submodules):
return result
f = open(submodules)
for line in f:
tokens = line.strip().split(' ')
if tokens[0] == 'path':
submodule_path = tokens[2]
submodule_info = CLI._git_repo_info(os.path.join(basedir, submodule_path, '.git'))
if not submodule_info:
submodule_info = ' not found - use git submodule update --init ' + submodule_path
result += "\n {0}: {1}".format(submodule_path, submodule_info)
return result
def pager(self, text):
''' find reasonable way to display text '''
# this is a much simpler form of what is in
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
display.display(text, screen_only=True)
elif 'PAGER' in os.environ:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
display.display(text, screen_only=True)
self.pager_pipe(text, os.environ['PAGER'])
p = subprocess.Popen('less --version', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if p.returncode == 0:
self.pager_pipe(text, 'less')
display.display(text, screen_only=True)
def pager_pipe(text, cmd):
''' pipe text through a pager '''
if 'LESS' not in os.environ:
os.environ['LESS'] = CLI.LESS_OPTS
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=sys.stdout)
except IOError:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def tty_ify(cls, text):
t = cls._ITALIC.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", text) # I(word) => `word'
t = cls._BOLD.sub("*" + r"\1" + "*", t) # B(word) => *word*
t = cls._MODULE.sub("[" + r"\1" + "]", t) # M(word) => [word]
t = cls._URL.sub(r"\1", t) # U(word) => word
t = cls._CONST.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", t) # C(word) => `word'
return t
def _play_prereqs(options):
# all needs loader
loader = DataLoader()
basedir = getattr(options, 'basedir', False)
if basedir:
vault_ids = options.vault_ids
vault_ids = default_vault_ids + vault_ids
vault_secrets = CLI.setup_vault_secrets(loader,
# create the inventory, and filter it based on the subset specified (if any)
inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader, sources=options.inventory)
# create the variable manager, which will be shared throughout
# the code, ensuring a consistent view of global variables
variable_manager = VariableManager(loader=loader, inventory=inventory)
if hasattr(options, 'basedir'):
if options.basedir:
variable_manager.safe_basedir = True
variable_manager.safe_basedir = True
# load vars from cli options
variable_manager.extra_vars = load_extra_vars(loader=loader, options=options)
variable_manager.options_vars = load_options_vars(options, CLI.version_info(gitinfo=False))
return loader, inventory, variable_manager
def get_host_list(inventory, subset, pattern='all'):
no_hosts = False
if len(inventory.list_hosts()) == 0:
# Empty inventory
display.warning("provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'")
no_hosts = True
hosts = inventory.list_hosts(pattern)
if len(hosts) == 0 and no_hosts is False:
raise AnsibleError("Specified hosts and/or --limit does not match any hosts")
return hosts