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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
# (C) 2013, James Cammarata <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import ansible.constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.galaxy.token import GalaxyToken
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import quote as urlquote, urlencode
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
def g_connect(method):
''' wrapper to lazily initialize connection info to galaxy '''
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.initialized:
display.vvvv("Initial connection to galaxy_server: %s" % self._api_server)
server_version = self._get_server_api_version()
if server_version not in self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS:
raise AnsibleError("Unsupported Galaxy server API version: %s" % server_version)
self.baseurl = '%s/api/%s' % (self._api_server, server_version)
self.version = server_version # for future use
display.vvvv("Base API: %s" % self.baseurl)
self.initialized = True
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
class GalaxyAPI(object):
''' This class is meant to be used as a API client for an Ansible Galaxy server '''
def __init__(self, galaxy):
self.galaxy = galaxy
self.token = GalaxyToken()
self._api_server = C.GALAXY_SERVER
self._validate_certs = not galaxy.options.ignore_certs
self.baseurl = None
self.version = None
self.initialized = False
display.debug('Validate TLS certificates: %s' % self._validate_certs)
# set the API server
if galaxy.options.api_server != C.GALAXY_SERVER:
self._api_server = galaxy.options.api_server
def __auth_header(self):
token = self.token.get()
if token is None:
raise AnsibleError("No access token. You must first use login to authenticate and obtain an access token.")
return {'Authorization': 'Token ' + token}
def __call_galaxy(self, url, args=None, headers=None, method=None):
if args and not headers:
headers = self.__auth_header()
resp = open_url(url, data=args, validate_certs=self._validate_certs, headers=headers, method=method,
data = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
except HTTPError as e:
res = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
raise AnsibleError(res['detail'])
return data
def api_server(self):
return self._api_server
def validate_certs(self):
return self._validate_certs
def _get_server_api_version(self):
Fetches the Galaxy API current version to ensure
the API server is up and reachable.
url = '%s/api/' % self._api_server
return_data = open_url(url, validate_certs=self._validate_certs)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("Failed to get data from the API server (%s): %s " % (url, to_native(e)))
data = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("Could not process data from the API server (%s): %s " % (url, to_native(e)))
if 'current_version' not in data:
raise AnsibleError("missing required 'current_version' from server response (%s)" % url)
return data['current_version']
def authenticate(self, github_token):
Retrieve an authentication token
url = '%s/tokens/' % self.baseurl
args = urlencode({"github_token": github_token})
resp = open_url(url, data=args, validate_certs=self._validate_certs, method="POST")
data = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
return data
def create_import_task(self, github_user, github_repo, reference=None, role_name=None):
Post an import request
url = '%s/imports/' % self.baseurl
args = {
"github_user": github_user,
"github_repo": github_repo,
"github_reference": reference if reference else ""
if role_name:
args['alternate_role_name'] = role_name
elif github_repo.startswith('ansible-role'):
args['alternate_role_name'] = github_repo[len('ansible-role') + 1:]
data = self.__call_galaxy(url, args=urlencode(args), method="POST")
if data.get('results', None):
return data['results']
return data
def get_import_task(self, task_id=None, github_user=None, github_repo=None):
Check the status of an import task.
url = '%s/imports/' % self.baseurl
if task_id is not None:
url = "%s?id=%d" % (url, task_id)
elif github_user is not None and github_repo is not None:
url = "%s?github_user=%s&github_repo=%s" % (url, github_user, github_repo)
raise AnsibleError("Expected task_id or github_user and github_repo")
data = self.__call_galaxy(url)
return data['results']
def lookup_role_by_name(self, role_name, notify=True):
Find a role by name.
role_name = urlquote(role_name)
parts = role_name.split(".")
user_name = ".".join(parts[0:-1])
role_name = parts[-1]
if notify:
display.display("- downloading role '%s', owned by %s" % (role_name, user_name))
raise AnsibleError("Invalid role name (%s). Specify role as format: username.rolename" % role_name)
url = '%s/roles/?owner__username=%s&name=%s' % (self.baseurl, user_name, role_name)
data = self.__call_galaxy(url)
if len(data["results"]) != 0:
return data["results"][0]
return None
def fetch_role_related(self, related, role_id):
Fetch the list of related items for the given role.
The url comes from the 'related' field of the role.
url = '%s/roles/%s/%s/?page_size=50' % (self.baseurl, role_id, related)
data = self.__call_galaxy(url)
results = data['results']
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
while not done:
url = '%s%s' % (self._api_server, data['next_link'])
data = self.__call_galaxy(url)
results += data['results']
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
return results
return None
def get_list(self, what):
Fetch the list of items specified.
url = '%s/%s/?page_size' % (self.baseurl, what)
data = self.__call_galaxy(url)
if "results" in data:
results = data['results']
results = data
done = True
if "next" in data:
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
while not done:
url = '%s%s' % (self._api_server, data['next_link'])
data = self.__call_galaxy(url)
results += data['results']
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
return results
except Exception as error:
raise AnsibleError("Failed to download the %s list: %s" % (what, str(error)))
def search_roles(self, search, **kwargs):
search_url = self.baseurl + '/search/roles/?'
if search:
search_url += '&autocomplete=' + urlquote(search)
tags = kwargs.get('tags', None)
platforms = kwargs.get('platforms', None)
page_size = kwargs.get('page_size', None)
author = kwargs.get('author', None)
if tags and isinstance(tags, string_types):
tags = tags.split(',')
search_url += '&tags_autocomplete=' + '+'.join(tags)
if platforms and isinstance(platforms, string_types):
platforms = platforms.split(',')
search_url += '&platforms_autocomplete=' + '+'.join(platforms)
if page_size:
search_url += '&page_size=%s' % page_size
if author:
search_url += '&username_autocomplete=%s' % author
data = self.__call_galaxy(search_url)
return data
def add_secret(self, source, github_user, github_repo, secret):
url = "%s/notification_secrets/" % self.baseurl
args = urlencode({
"source": source,
"github_user": github_user,
"github_repo": github_repo,
"secret": secret
data = self.__call_galaxy(url, args=args, method="POST")
return data
def list_secrets(self):
url = "%s/notification_secrets" % self.baseurl
data = self.__call_galaxy(url, headers=self.__auth_header())
return data
def remove_secret(self, secret_id):
url = "%s/notification_secrets/%s/" % (self.baseurl, secret_id)
data = self.__call_galaxy(url, headers=self.__auth_header(), method='DELETE')
return data
def delete_role(self, github_user, github_repo):
url = "%s/removerole/?github_user=%s&github_repo=%s" % (self.baseurl, github_user, github_repo)
data = self.__call_galaxy(url, headers=self.__auth_header(), method='DELETE')
return data