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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Satoru SATOH <ssato @>
# License: MIT
"""Misc utility routines for anyconfig module.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import functools
import glob
import itertools
import os.path
import types
import anyconfig.compat
import anyconfig.globals
from anyconfig.compat import pathlib
def groupby(itr, key_fn=None):
An wrapper function around itertools.groupby to sort each results.
:param itr: Iterable object, a list/tuple/genrator, etc.
:param key_fn: Key function to sort `itr`.
>>> import operator
>>> itr = [("a", 1), ("b", -1), ("c", 1)]
>>> res = groupby(itr, operator.itemgetter(1))
>>> [(key, tuple(grp)) for key, grp in res]
[(-1, (('b', -1),)), (1, (('a', 1), ('c', 1)))]
return itertools.groupby(sorted(itr, key=key_fn), key=key_fn)
def get_file_extension(file_path):
>>> get_file_extension("/a/b/c")
>>> get_file_extension("/a/b.txt")
>>> get_file_extension("/a/b/c.tar.xz")
_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1]
if _ext:
return _ext[1:] if _ext.startswith('.') else _ext
return ""
def sglob(files_pattern):
glob.glob alternative of which results sorted always.
return sorted(glob.glob(files_pattern))
def is_iterable(obj):
>>> is_iterable([])
>>> is_iterable(())
>>> is_iterable([x for x in range(10)])
>>> is_iterable((1, 2, 3))
>>> g = (x for x in range(10))
>>> is_iterable(g)
>>> is_iterable("abc")
>>> is_iterable(0)
>>> is_iterable({})
return isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, types.GeneratorType)) or \
(not isinstance(obj, (int, str, dict)) and
bool(getattr(obj, "next", False)))
def concat(xss):
Concatenates a list of lists.
>>> concat([[]])
>>> concat((()))
>>> concat([[1,2,3],[4,5]])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> concat([[1,2,3],[4,5,[6,7]]])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, [6, 7]]
>>> concat(((1,2,3),(4,5,[6,7])))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, [6, 7]]
>>> concat(((1,2,3),(4,5,[6,7])))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, [6, 7]]
>>> concat((i, i*2) for i in range(3))
[0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 4]
return list(anyconfig.compat.from_iterable(xs for xs in xss))
def normpath(path):
"""Normalize path.
- eliminating double slashes, etc. (os.path.normpath)
- ensure paths contain ~[user]/ expanded.
:param path: Path string :: str
return os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path) if '~' in path else path)
def is_path(obj):
Is given object `obj` a file path?
:param obj: file path or something
:return: True if `obj` is a file path
return isinstance(obj, anyconfig.compat.STR_TYPES)
def is_path_obj(obj):
"""Is given object `input` a pathlib.Path object?
:param obj: a pathlib.Path object or something
:return: True if `obj` is a pathlib.Path object
>>> from anyconfig.compat import pathlib
>>> if pathlib is not None:
... obj = pathlib.Path(__file__)
... assert is_path_obj(obj)
>>> assert not is_path_obj(__file__)
return pathlib is not None and isinstance(obj, pathlib.Path)
def is_file_stream(obj):
"""Is given object `input` a file stream (file/file-like object)?
:param obj: a file / file-like (stream) object or something
:return: True if `obj` is a file stream
>>> assert is_file_stream(open(__file__))
>>> assert not is_file_stream(__file__)
return getattr(obj, "read", False)
def is_ioinfo(obj, keys=None):
:return: True if given `obj` is a 'IOInfo' namedtuple object.
>>> assert not is_ioinfo(1)
>>> assert not is_ioinfo("aaa")
>>> assert not is_ioinfo({})
>>> assert not is_ioinfo(('a', 1, {}))
>>> inp = anyconfig.globals.IOInfo("/etc/hosts", "path", "/etc/hosts",
... None, open)
>>> assert is_ioinfo(inp)
if keys is None:
keys = anyconfig.globals.IOI_KEYS
if isinstance(obj, tuple) and getattr(obj, "_asdict", False):
return all(k in obj._asdict() for k in keys)
return False
def is_stream_ioinfo(obj):
:param obj: IOInfo object or something
:return: True if given IOInfo object `obj` is of file / file-like object
>>> ioi = anyconfig.globals.IOInfo(None, anyconfig.globals.IOI_STREAM,
... None, None, None)
>>> assert is_stream_ioinfo(ioi)
>>> assert not is_stream_ioinfo(__file__)
return getattr(obj, "type", None) == anyconfig.globals.IOI_STREAM
def is_path_like_object(obj, marker='*'):
Is given object `obj` a path string, a pathlib.Path, a file / file-like
(stream) or IOInfo namedtuple object?
:param obj:
a path string, pathlib.Path object, a file / file-like or 'IOInfo'
True if `obj` is a path string or a pathlib.Path object or a file
(stream) object
>>> assert is_path_like_object(__file__)
>>> assert not is_path_like_object("/a/b/c/*.json", '*')
>>> from anyconfig.compat import pathlib
>>> if pathlib is not None:
... assert is_path_like_object(pathlib.Path("a.ini"))
... assert not is_path_like_object(pathlib.Path("x.ini"), 'x')
>>> assert is_path_like_object(open(__file__))
return ((is_path(obj) and marker not in obj) or
(is_path_obj(obj) and marker not in obj.as_posix()) or
is_file_stream(obj) or is_ioinfo(obj))
def is_paths(maybe_paths, marker='*'):
Does given object `maybe_paths` consist of path or path pattern strings?
return ((is_path(maybe_paths) and marker in maybe_paths) or # Path str
(is_path_obj(maybe_paths) and marker in maybe_paths.as_posix()) or
(is_iterable(maybe_paths) and
all(is_path(p) or is_ioinfo(p) for p in maybe_paths)))
def get_path_from_stream(strm):
Try to get file path from given file or file-like object `strm`.
:param strm: A file or file-like object
:return: Path of given file or file-like object or None
:raises: ValueError
>>> assert __file__ == get_path_from_stream(open(__file__, 'r'))
>>> assert get_path_from_stream(anyconfig.compat.StringIO()) is None
>>> get_path_from_stream(__file__) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ...
if not is_file_stream(strm):
raise ValueError("Given object does not look a file/file-like "
"object: %r" % strm)
path = getattr(strm, "name", None)
if path is not None:
return normpath(path)
return None
def _try_to_get_extension(obj):
Try to get file extension from given path or file object.
:param obj: a file, file-like object or something
:return: File extension or None
>>> _try_to_get_extension("")
if is_path(obj):
path = obj
elif is_path_obj(obj):
return obj.suffix[1:]
elif is_file_stream(obj):
path = get_path_from_stream(obj)
except ValueError:
return None
elif is_ioinfo(obj):
path = obj.path
return None
if path:
return get_file_extension(path)
return None
def are_same_file_types(objs):
Are given (maybe) file objs same type (extension) ?
:param objs: A list of file path or file(-like) objects
>>> are_same_file_types([])
>>> are_same_file_types(["a.conf"])
>>> are_same_file_types(["a.conf", "b.conf"])
>>> are_same_file_types(["a.yml", "b.yml"])
>>> are_same_file_types(["a.yml", "b.json"])
>>> strm = anyconfig.compat.StringIO()
>>> are_same_file_types(["a.yml", "b.yml", strm])
if not objs:
return False
ext = _try_to_get_extension(objs[0])
if ext is None:
return False
return all(_try_to_get_extension(p) == ext for p in objs[1:])
def _expand_paths_itr(paths, marker='*'):
"""Iterator version of :func:`expand_paths`.
for path in paths:
if is_path(path):
if marker in path: # glob path pattern
for ppath in sglob(path):
yield ppath
yield path # a simple file path
elif is_path_obj(path):
if marker in path.as_posix():
for ppath in sglob(path.as_posix()):
yield normpath(ppath)
yield normpath(path.as_posix())
elif is_ioinfo(path):
yield path.path
else: # A file or file-like object
yield path
def expand_paths(paths, marker='*'):
:param paths:
A glob path pattern string or pathlib.Path object holding such path, or
a list consists of path strings or glob path pattern strings or
pathlib.Path object holding such ones, or file objects
:param marker: Glob marker character or string, e.g. '*'
:return: List of path strings
>>> expand_paths([])
>>> expand_paths("/usr/lib/a/b.conf /etc/a/b.conf /run/a/b.conf".split())
['/usr/lib/a/b.conf', '/etc/a/b.conf', '/run/a/b.conf']
>>> paths_s = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "u*.py")
>>> ref = sglob(paths_s)
>>> assert expand_paths(paths_s) == ref
>>> ref = ["/etc/a.conf"] + ref
>>> assert expand_paths(["/etc/a.conf", paths_s]) == ref
>>> strm = anyconfig.compat.StringIO()
>>> assert expand_paths(["/etc/a.conf", strm]) == ["/etc/a.conf", strm]
if is_path(paths) and marker in paths:
return sglob(paths)
if is_path_obj(paths) and marker in paths.as_posix():
# TBD: Is it better to return [p :: pathlib.Path] instead?
return [normpath(p) for p in sglob(paths.as_posix())]
return list(_expand_paths_itr(paths, marker=marker))
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def noop(val, *args, **kwargs):
"""A function does nothing.
>>> noop(1)
# It means nothing but can suppress 'Unused argument' pylint warns.
# (val, args, kwargs)[0]
return val
_LIST_LIKE_TYPES = (collections.Iterable, collections.Sequence)
def is_dict_like(obj):
:param obj: Any object behaves like a dict.
>>> is_dict_like("a string")
>>> is_dict_like({})
>>> is_dict_like(anyconfig.compat.OrderedDict((('a', 1), ('b', 2))))
return isinstance(obj, (dict, collections.Mapping)) # any others?
def is_namedtuple(obj):
>>> p0 = collections.namedtuple("Point", "x y")(1, 2)
>>> is_namedtuple(p0)
>>> is_namedtuple(tuple(p0))
return isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, "_asdict")
def is_list_like(obj):
>>> is_list_like([])
>>> is_list_like(())
>>> is_list_like([x for x in range(10)])
>>> is_list_like((1, 2, 3))
>>> g = (x for x in range(10))
>>> is_list_like(g)
>>> is_list_like("abc")
>>> is_list_like(0)
>>> is_list_like({})
return isinstance(obj, _LIST_LIKE_TYPES) and \
not (isinstance(obj, anyconfig.compat.STR_TYPES) or is_dict_like(obj))
def filter_options(keys, options):
Filter `options` with given `keys`.
:param keys: key names of optional keyword arguments
:param options: optional keyword arguments to filter with `keys`
>>> filter_options(("aaa", ), dict(aaa=1, bbb=2))
{'aaa': 1}
>>> filter_options(("aaa", ), dict(bbb=2))
return dict((k, options[k]) for k in keys if k in options)
def memoize(fnc):
"""memoization function.
>>> import random
>>> imax = 100
>>> def fnc1(arg=True):
... return arg and random.choice((True, False))
>>> fnc2 = memoize(fnc1)
>>> (ret1, ret2) = (fnc1(), fnc2())
>>> assert any(fnc1() != ret1 for i in range(imax))
>>> assert all(fnc2() == ret2 for i in range(imax))
cache = dict()
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
"""Decorated one"""
key = repr(args) + repr(kwargs)
if key not in cache:
cache[key] = fnc(*args, **kwargs)
return cache[key]
return wrapped
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