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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
# encoding: utf-8
This module provides utility methods for dealing with path-specs.
import os
import os.path
import posixpath
import stat
from .compat import collection_type, string_types
NORMALIZE_PATH_SEPS = [sep for sep in [os.sep, os.altsep] if sep and sep != posixpath.sep]
*NORMALIZE_PATH_SEPS* (:class:`list` of :class:`str`) contains the path
separators that need to be normalized to the POSIX separator for the
current operating system. The separators are determined by examining
:data:`os.sep` and :data:`os.altsep`.
_registered_patterns = {}
*_registered_patterns* (``dict``) maps a name (``str``) to the
registered pattern factory (``callable``).
def iter_tree(root, on_error=None, follow_links=None):
Walks the specified directory for all files.
*root* (:class:`str`) is the root directory to search for files.
*on_error* (:class:`` or :data:`None`)
optionally is the error handler for file-system exceptions. It will be
called with the exception (:exc:`OSError`). Reraise the exception to
abort the walk. Default is :data:`None` to ignore file-system
*follow_links* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) optionally is whether
to walk symbolik links that resolve to directories. Default is
:data:`None` for :data:`True`.
Raises :exc:`RecursionError` if recursion is detected.
Returns an :class:`` yielding the path to
each file (:class:`str`) relative to *root*.
if on_error is not None and not callable(on_error):
raise TypeError("on_error:{0!r} is not callable.".format(on_error))
if follow_links is None:
follow_links = True
for file_rel in _iter_tree_next(os.path.abspath(root), '', {}, on_error, follow_links):
yield file_rel
def _iter_tree_next(root_full, dir_rel, memo, on_error, follow_links):
Scan the directory for all descendant files.
*root_full* (:class:`str`) the absolute path to the root directory.
*dir_rel* (:class:`str`) the path to the directory to scan relative to
*memo* (:class:`dict`) keeps track of ancestor directories
encountered. Maps each ancestor real path (:class:`str``) to relative
path (:class:`str`).
*on_error* (:class:`` or :data:`None`)
optionally is the error handler for file-system exceptions.
*follow_links* (:class:`bool`) is whether to walk symbolik links that
resolve to directories.
dir_full = os.path.join(root_full, dir_rel)
dir_real = os.path.realpath(dir_full)
# Remember each encountered ancestor directory and its canonical
# (real) path. If a canonical path is encountered more than once,
# recursion has occurred.
if dir_real not in memo:
memo[dir_real] = dir_rel
raise RecursionError(real_path=dir_real, first_path=memo[dir_real], second_path=dir_rel)
for node in os.listdir(dir_full):
node_rel = os.path.join(dir_rel, node)
node_full = os.path.join(root_full, node_rel)
# Inspect child node.
node_stat = os.lstat(node_full)
except OSError as e:
if on_error is not None:
if stat.S_ISLNK(node_stat.st_mode):
# Child node is a link, inspect the target node.
is_link = True
node_stat = os.stat(node_full)
except OSError as e:
if on_error is not None:
is_link = False
if stat.S_ISDIR(node_stat.st_mode) and (follow_links or not is_link):
# Child node is a directory, recurse into it and yield its
# decendant files.
for file_rel in _iter_tree_next(root_full, node_rel, memo, on_error, follow_links):
yield file_rel
elif stat.S_ISREG(node_stat.st_mode):
# Child node is a file, yield it.
yield node_rel
# NOTE: Make sure to remove the canonical (real) path of the directory
# from the ancestors memo once we are done with it. This allows the
# same directory to appear multiple times. If this is not done, the
# second occurance of the directory will be incorrectly interpreted as
# a recursion. See <>.
del memo[dir_real]
def lookup_pattern(name):
Lookups a registered pattern factory by name.
*name* (:class:`str`) is the name of the pattern factory.
Returns the registered pattern factory (:class:``).
If no pattern factory is registered, raises :exc:`KeyError`.
return _registered_patterns[name]
def match_file(patterns, file):
Matches the file to the patterns.
*patterns* (:class:`` of :class:`~pathspec.pattern.Pattern`)
contains the patterns to use.
*file* (:class:`str`) is the normalized file path to be matched
against *patterns*.
Returns :data:`True` if *file* matched; otherwise, :data:`False`.
matched = False
for pattern in patterns:
if pattern.include is not None:
if file in pattern.match((file,)):
matched = pattern.include
return matched
def match_files(patterns, files):
Matches the files to the patterns.
*patterns* (:class:`` of :class:`~pathspec.pattern.Pattern`)
contains the patterns to use.
*files* (:class:`` of :class:`str`) contains
the normalized file paths to be matched against *patterns*.
Returns the matched files (:class:`set` of :class:`str`).
all_files = files if isinstance(files, collection_type) else list(files)
return_files = set()
for pattern in patterns:
if pattern.include is not None:
result_files = pattern.match(all_files)
if pattern.include:
return return_files
def normalize_file(file, separators=None):
Normalizes the file path to use the POSIX path separator (i.e., ``'/'``).
*file* (:class:`str`) is the file path.
*separators* (:class:`` of :class:`str`; or
:data:`None`) optionally contains the path separators to normalize.
This does not need to include the POSIX path separator (``'/'``), but
including it will not affect the results. Default is :data:`None` for
:data:`NORMALIZE_PATH_SEPS`. To prevent normalization, pass an empty
container (e.g., an empty tuple ``()``).
Returns the normalized file path (:class:`str`).
# Normalize path separators.
if separators is None:
norm_file = file
for sep in separators:
norm_file = norm_file.replace(sep, posixpath.sep)
# Remove current directory prefix.
if norm_file.startswith('./'):
norm_file = norm_file[2:]
return norm_file
def normalize_files(files, separators=None):
Normalizes the file paths to use the POSIX path separator.
*files* (:class:`` of :class:`str`) contains
the file paths to be normalized.
*separators* (:class:`` of :class:`str`; or
:data:`None`) optionally contains the path separators to normalize.
See :func:`normalize_file` for more information.
Returns a :class:`dict` mapping the each normalized file path (:class:`str`)
to the original file path (:class:`str`)
norm_files = {}
for path in files:
norm_files[normalize_file(path, separators=separators)] = path
return norm_files
def register_pattern(name, pattern_factory, override=None):
Registers the specified pattern factory.
*name* (:class:`str`) is the name to register the pattern factory
*pattern_factory* (:class:``) is used to
compile patterns. It must accept an uncompiled pattern (:class:`str`)
and return the compiled pattern (:class:`.Pattern`).
*override* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) optionally is whether to
allow overriding an already registered pattern under the same name
(:data:`True`), instead of raising an :exc:`AlreadyRegisteredError`
(:data:`False`). Default is :data:`None` for :data:`False`.
if not isinstance(name, string_types):
raise TypeError("name:{0!r} is not a string.".format(name))
if not callable(pattern_factory):
raise TypeError("pattern_factory:{0!r} is not callable.".format(pattern_factory))
if name in _registered_patterns and not override:
raise AlreadyRegisteredError(name, _registered_patterns[name])
_registered_patterns[name] = pattern_factory
class AlreadyRegisteredError(Exception):
The :exc:`AlreadyRegisteredError` exception is raised when a pattern
factory is registered under a name already in use.
def __init__(self, name, pattern_factory):
Initializes the :exc:`AlreadyRegisteredError` instance.
*name* (:class:`str`) is the name of the registered pattern.
*pattern_factory* (:class:``) is the
registered pattern factory.
super(AlreadyRegisteredError, self).__init__(name, pattern_factory)
def message(self):
*message* (:class:`str`) is the error message.
return "{name!r} is already registered for pattern factory:{pattern_factory!r}.".format(,
def name(self):
*name* (:class:`str`) is the name of the registered pattern.
return self.args[0]
def pattern_factory(self):
*pattern_factory* (:class:``) is the
registered pattern factory.
return self.args[1]
class RecursionError(Exception):
The :exc:`RecursionError` exception is raised when recursion is
def __init__(self, real_path, first_path, second_path):
Initializes the :exc:`RecursionError` instance.
*real_path* (:class:`str`) is the real path that recursion was
encountered on.
*first_path* (:class:`str`) is the first path encountered for
*second_path* (:class:`str`) is the second path encountered for
super(RecursionError, self).__init__(real_path, first_path, second_path)
def first_path(self):
*first_path* (:class:`str`) is the first path encountered for
:attr:`self.real_path <RecursionError.real_path>`.
return self.args[1]
def message(self):
*message* (:class:`str`) is the error message.
return "Real path {real!r} was encountered at {first!r} and then {second!r}.".format(
def real_path(self):
*real_path* (:class:`str`) is the real path that recursion was
encountered on.
return self.args[0]
def second_path(self):
*second_path* (:class:`str`) is the second path encountered for
:attr:`self.real_path <RecursionError.real_path>`.
return self.args[2]