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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
# Licensed under the Apache License:
# For details:
"""Config file for"""
import collections
import os
import re
import sys
from coverage.backward import configparser, iitems, string_class
from coverage.misc import contract, CoverageException, isolate_module
os = isolate_module(os)
class HandyConfigParser(configparser.RawConfigParser):
"""Our specialization of ConfigParser."""
def __init__(self, our_file):
"""Create the HandyConfigParser.
`our_file` is True if this config file is specifically for coverage,
False if we are examining another config file (tox.ini, setup.cfg)
for possible settings.
self.section_prefixes = ["coverage:"]
if our_file:
def read(self, filenames):
"""Read a file name as UTF-8 configuration data."""
kwargs = {}
if sys.version_info >= (3, 2):
kwargs['encoding'] = "utf-8"
return, filenames, **kwargs)
def has_option(self, section, option):
for section_prefix in self.section_prefixes:
real_section = section_prefix + section
has = configparser.RawConfigParser.has_option(self, real_section, option)
if has:
return has
return False
def has_section(self, section):
for section_prefix in self.section_prefixes:
real_section = section_prefix + section
has = configparser.RawConfigParser.has_section(self, real_section)
if has:
return real_section
return False
def options(self, section):
for section_prefix in self.section_prefixes:
real_section = section_prefix + section
if configparser.RawConfigParser.has_section(self, real_section):
return configparser.RawConfigParser.options(self, real_section)
raise configparser.NoSectionError
def get_section(self, section):
"""Get the contents of a section, as a dictionary."""
d = {}
for opt in self.options(section):
d[opt] = self.get(section, opt)
return d
def get(self, section, option, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
"""Get a value, replacing environment variables also.
The arguments are the same as `RawConfigParser.get`, but in the found
value, ``$WORD`` or ``${WORD}`` are replaced by the value of the
environment variable ``WORD``.
Returns the finished value.
for section_prefix in self.section_prefixes:
real_section = section_prefix + section
if configparser.RawConfigParser.has_option(self, real_section, option):
raise configparser.NoOptionError
v = configparser.RawConfigParser.get(self, real_section, option, *args, **kwargs)
def dollar_replace(m):
"""Called for each $replacement."""
# Only one of the groups will have matched, just get its text.
word = next(w for w in m.groups() if w is not None) # pragma: part covered
if word == "$":
return "$"
return os.environ.get(word, '')
dollar_pattern = r"""(?x) # Use extended regex syntax
\$(?: # A dollar sign, then
(?P<v1>\w+) | # a plain word,
{(?P<v2>\w+)} | # or a {-wrapped word,
(?P<char>[$]) # or a dollar sign.
v = re.sub(dollar_pattern, dollar_replace, v)
return v
def getlist(self, section, option):
"""Read a list of strings.
The value of `section` and `option` is treated as a comma- and newline-
separated list of strings. Each value is stripped of whitespace.
Returns the list of strings.
value_list = self.get(section, option)
values = []
for value_line in value_list.split('\n'):
for value in value_line.split(','):
value = value.strip()
if value:
return values
def getregexlist(self, section, option):
"""Read a list of full-line regexes.
The value of `section` and `option` is treated as a newline-separated
list of regexes. Each value is stripped of whitespace.
Returns the list of strings.
line_list = self.get(section, option)
value_list = []
for value in line_list.splitlines():
value = value.strip()
except re.error as e:
raise CoverageException(
"Invalid [%s].%s value %r: %s" % (section, option, value, e)
if value:
return value_list
# The default line exclusion regexes.
# The default partial branch regexes, to be modified by the user.
# The default partial branch regexes, based on Python semantics.
# These are any Python branching constructs that can't actually execute all
# their branches.
'while (True|1|False|0):',
'if (True|1|False|0):',
class CoverageConfig(object):
""" configuration.
The attributes of this class are the various settings that control the
operation of
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the configuration attributes to their defaults."""
# Metadata about the config.
self.attempted_config_files = []
self.config_files = []
# Defaults for [run] and [report]
self._include = None
self._omit = None
# Defaults for [run]
self.branch = False
self.concurrency = None
self.cover_pylib = False
self.data_file = ".coverage"
self.debug = []
self.disable_warnings = []
self.note = None
self.parallel = False
self.plugins = []
self.source = None
self.run_include = None
self.run_omit = None
self.timid = False
# Defaults for [report]
self.exclude_list = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE[:]
self.fail_under = 0.0
self.ignore_errors = False
self.report_include = None
self.report_omit = None
self.partial_always_list = DEFAULT_PARTIAL_ALWAYS[:]
self.partial_list = DEFAULT_PARTIAL[:]
self.precision = 0
self.show_missing = False
self.skip_covered = False
# Defaults for [html]
self.extra_css = None
self.html_dir = "htmlcov"
self.html_title = "Coverage report"
# Defaults for [xml]
self.xml_output = "coverage.xml"
self.xml_package_depth = 99
# Defaults for [paths]
self.paths = {}
# Options for plugins
self.plugin_options = {}
"debug", "concurrency", "plugins",
"report_omit", "report_include",
"run_omit", "run_include",
def from_args(self, **kwargs):
"""Read config values from `kwargs`."""
for k, v in iitems(kwargs):
if v is not None:
if k in self.MUST_BE_LIST and isinstance(v, string_class):
v = [v]
setattr(self, k, v)
def from_file(self, filename, our_file):
"""Read configuration from a .rc file.
`filename` is a file name to read.
`our_file` is True if this config file is specifically for coverage,
False if we are examining another config file (tox.ini, setup.cfg)
for possible settings.
Returns True or False, whether the file could be read, and it had some settings in it.
cp = HandyConfigParser(our_file)
files_read =
except configparser.Error as err:
raise CoverageException("Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (filename, err))
if not files_read:
return False
any_set = False
for option_spec in self.CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS:
was_set = self._set_attr_from_config_option(cp, *option_spec)
if was_set:
any_set = True
except ValueError as err:
raise CoverageException("Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (filename, err))
# Check that there are no unrecognized options.
all_options = collections.defaultdict(set)
for option_spec in self.CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS:
section, option = option_spec[1].split(":")
for section, options in iitems(all_options):
real_section = cp.has_section(section)
if real_section:
for unknown in set(cp.options(section)) - options:
raise CoverageException(
"Unrecognized option '[%s] %s=' in config file %s" % (
real_section, unknown, filename
# [paths] is special
if cp.has_section('paths'):
for option in cp.options('paths'):
self.paths[option] = cp.getlist('paths', option)
any_set = True
# plugins can have options
for plugin in self.plugins:
if cp.has_section(plugin):
self.plugin_options[plugin] = cp.get_section(plugin)
any_set = True
# Was this file used as a config file? If it's specifically our file,
# then it was used. If we're piggybacking on someone else's file,
# then it was only used if we found some settings in it.
if our_file:
return True
return any_set
# These are *args for _set_attr_from_config_option:
# (attr, where, type_="")
# attr is the attribute to set on the CoverageConfig object.
# where is the section:name to read from the configuration file.
# type_ is the optional type to apply, by using .getTYPE to read the
# configuration value from the file.
# [run]
('branch', 'run:branch', 'boolean'),
('concurrency', 'run:concurrency', 'list'),
('cover_pylib', 'run:cover_pylib', 'boolean'),
('data_file', 'run:data_file'),
('debug', 'run:debug', 'list'),
('disable_warnings', 'run:disable_warnings', 'list'),
('note', 'run:note'),
('parallel', 'run:parallel', 'boolean'),
('plugins', 'run:plugins', 'list'),
('run_include', 'run:include', 'list'),
('run_omit', 'run:omit', 'list'),
('source', 'run:source', 'list'),
('timid', 'run:timid', 'boolean'),
# [report]
('exclude_list', 'report:exclude_lines', 'regexlist'),
('fail_under', 'report:fail_under', 'float'),
('ignore_errors', 'report:ignore_errors', 'boolean'),
('partial_always_list', 'report:partial_branches_always', 'regexlist'),
('partial_list', 'report:partial_branches', 'regexlist'),
('precision', 'report:precision', 'int'),
('report_include', 'report:include', 'list'),
('report_omit', 'report:omit', 'list'),
('show_missing', 'report:show_missing', 'boolean'),
('skip_covered', 'report:skip_covered', 'boolean'),
('sort', 'report:sort'),
# [html]
('extra_css', 'html:extra_css'),
('html_dir', 'html:directory'),
('html_title', 'html:title'),
# [xml]
('xml_output', 'xml:output'),
('xml_package_depth', 'xml:package_depth', 'int'),
def _set_attr_from_config_option(self, cp, attr, where, type_=''):
"""Set an attribute on self if it exists in the ConfigParser.
Returns True if the attribute was set.
section, option = where.split(":")
if cp.has_option(section, option):
method = getattr(cp, 'get' + type_)
setattr(self, attr, method(section, option))
return True
return False
def get_plugin_options(self, plugin):
"""Get a dictionary of options for the plugin named `plugin`."""
return self.plugin_options.get(plugin, {})
def set_option(self, option_name, value):
"""Set an option in the configuration.
`option_name` is a colon-separated string indicating the section and
option name. For example, the ``branch`` option in the ``[run]``
section of the config file would be indicated with `"run:branch"`.
`value` is the new value for the option.
# Check all the hard-coded options.
for option_spec in self.CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS:
attr, where = option_spec[:2]
if where == option_name:
setattr(self, attr, value)
# See if it's a plugin option.
plugin_name, _, key = option_name.partition(":")
if key and plugin_name in self.plugins:
self.plugin_options.setdefault(plugin_name, {})[key] = value
# If we get here, we didn't find the option.
raise CoverageException("No such option: %r" % option_name)
def get_option(self, option_name):
"""Get an option from the configuration.
`option_name` is a colon-separated string indicating the section and
option name. For example, the ``branch`` option in the ``[run]``
section of the config file would be indicated with `"run:branch"`.
Returns the value of the option.
# Check all the hard-coded options.
for option_spec in self.CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS:
attr, where = option_spec[:2]
if where == option_name:
return getattr(self, attr)
# See if it's a plugin option.
plugin_name, _, key = option_name.partition(":")
if key and plugin_name in self.plugins:
return self.plugin_options.get(plugin_name, {}).get(key)
# If we get here, we didn't find the option.
raise CoverageException("No such option: %r" % option_name)
def read_coverage_config(config_file, **kwargs):
"""Read the configuration.
config_file: a boolean or string, see the `Coverage` class for the
tricky details.
all others: keyword arguments from the `Coverage` class, used for
setting values in the configuration.
config_file, config:
config_file is the value to use for config_file in other
invocations of coverage.
config is a CoverageConfig object read from the appropriate
configuration file.
# Build the configuration from a number of sources:
# 1) defaults:
config = CoverageConfig()
# 2) from a file:
if config_file:
# Some API users were specifying ".coveragerc" to mean the same as
# True, so make it so.
if config_file == ".coveragerc":
config_file = True
specified_file = (config_file is not True)
if not specified_file:
config_file = ".coveragerc"
for fname, our_file in [(config_file, True),
("setup.cfg", False),
("tox.ini", False)]:
config_read = config.from_file(fname, our_file=our_file)
is_config_file = fname == config_file
if not config_read and is_config_file and specified_file:
raise CoverageException("Couldn't read '%s' as a config file" % fname)
if config_read:
# 3) from environment variables:
env_data_file = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_FILE')
if env_data_file:
config.data_file = env_data_file
debugs = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_DEBUG')
if debugs:
config.debug.extend(d.strip() for d in debugs.split(","))
# 4) from constructor arguments:
# Once all the config has been collected, there's a little post-processing
# to do.
config.data_file = os.path.expanduser(config.data_file)
config.html_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.html_dir)
config.xml_output = os.path.expanduser(config.xml_output)
return config_file, config