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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
# Licensed under the Apache License:
# For details:
"""Code parsing for"""
import ast
import collections
import os
import re
import token
import tokenize
from coverage import env
from coverage.backward import range # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from coverage.backward import bytes_to_ints, string_class
from coverage.bytecode import CodeObjects
from coverage.debug import short_stack
from coverage.misc import contract, join_regex, new_contract, nice_pair, one_of
from coverage.misc import NoSource, NotPython, StopEverything
from coverage.phystokens import compile_unicode, generate_tokens, neuter_encoding_declaration
class PythonParser(object):
"""Parse code to find executable lines, excluded lines, etc.
This information is all based on static analysis: no code execution is
def __init__(self, text=None, filename=None, exclude=None):
Source can be provided as `text`, the text itself, or `filename`, from
which the text will be read. Excluded lines are those that match
`exclude`, a regex.
assert text or filename, "PythonParser needs either text or filename"
self.filename = filename or "<code>"
self.text = text
if not self.text:
from coverage.python import get_python_source
self.text = get_python_source(self.filename)
except IOError as err:
raise NoSource(
"No source for code: '%s': %s" % (self.filename, err)
self.exclude = exclude
# The text lines of the parsed code.
self.lines = self.text.split('\n')
# The normalized line numbers of the statements in the code. Exclusions
# are taken into account, and statements are adjusted to their first
# lines.
self.statements = set()
# The normalized line numbers of the excluded lines in the code,
# adjusted to their first lines.
self.excluded = set()
# The raw_* attributes are only used in this class, and in
# lab/ to show how this class is working.
# The line numbers that start statements, as reported by the line
# number table in the bytecode.
self.raw_statements = set()
# The raw line numbers of excluded lines of code, as marked by pragmas.
self.raw_excluded = set()
# The line numbers of class and function definitions.
self.raw_classdefs = set()
# The line numbers of docstring lines.
self.raw_docstrings = set()
# Internal detail, used by lab/
self.show_tokens = False
# A dict mapping line numbers to lexical statement starts for
# multi-line statements.
self._multiline = {}
# Lazily-created ByteParser, arc data, and missing arc descriptions.
self._byte_parser = None
self._all_arcs = None
self._missing_arc_fragments = None
def byte_parser(self):
"""Create a ByteParser on demand."""
if not self._byte_parser:
self._byte_parser = ByteParser(self.text, filename=self.filename)
return self._byte_parser
def lines_matching(self, *regexes):
"""Find the lines matching one of a list of regexes.
Returns a set of line numbers, the lines that contain a match for one
of the regexes in `regexes`. The entire line needn't match, just a
part of it.
combined = join_regex(regexes)
if env.PY2:
combined = combined.decode("utf8")
regex_c = re.compile(combined)
matches = set()
for i, ltext in enumerate(self.lines, start=1):
return matches
def _raw_parse(self):
"""Parse the source to find the interesting facts about its lines.
A handful of attributes are updated.
# Find lines which match an exclusion pattern.
if self.exclude:
self.raw_excluded = self.lines_matching(self.exclude)
# Tokenize, to find excluded suites, to find docstrings, and to find
# multi-line statements.
indent = 0
exclude_indent = 0
excluding = False
excluding_decorators = False
prev_toktype = token.INDENT
first_line = None
empty = True
first_on_line = True
tokgen = generate_tokens(self.text)
for toktype, ttext, (slineno, _), (elineno, _), ltext in tokgen:
if self.show_tokens: # pragma: debugging
print("%10s %5s %-20r %r" % (
tokenize.tok_name.get(toktype, toktype),
nice_pair((slineno, elineno)), ttext, ltext
if toktype == token.INDENT:
indent += 1
elif toktype == token.DEDENT:
indent -= 1
elif toktype == token.NAME:
if ttext == 'class':
# Class definitions look like branches in the bytecode, so
# we need to exclude them. The simplest way is to note the
# lines with the 'class' keyword.
elif toktype == token.OP:
if ttext == ':':
should_exclude = (elineno in self.raw_excluded) or excluding_decorators
if not excluding and should_exclude:
# Start excluding a suite. We trigger off of the colon
# token so that the #pragma comment will be recognized on
# the same line as the colon.
exclude_indent = indent
excluding = True
excluding_decorators = False
elif ttext == '@' and first_on_line:
# A decorator.
if elineno in self.raw_excluded:
excluding_decorators = True
if excluding_decorators:
elif toktype == token.STRING and prev_toktype == token.INDENT:
# Strings that are first on an indented line are docstrings.
# (a trick from in the stdlib.) This works for
# 99.9999% of cases. For the rest (!) see:
self.raw_docstrings.update(range(slineno, elineno+1))
elif toktype == token.NEWLINE:
if first_line is not None and elineno != first_line:
# We're at the end of a line, and we've ended on a
# different line than the first line of the statement,
# so record a multi-line range.
for l in range(first_line, elineno+1):
self._multiline[l] = first_line
first_line = None
first_on_line = True
if ttext.strip() and toktype != tokenize.COMMENT:
# A non-whitespace token.
empty = False
if first_line is None:
# The token is not whitespace, and is the first in a
# statement.
first_line = slineno
# Check whether to end an excluded suite.
if excluding and indent <= exclude_indent:
excluding = False
if excluding:
first_on_line = False
prev_toktype = toktype
# Find the starts of the executable statements.
if not empty:
def first_line(self, line):
"""Return the first line number of the statement including `line`."""
return self._multiline.get(line, line)
def first_lines(self, lines):
"""Map the line numbers in `lines` to the correct first line of the
Returns a set of the first lines.
return set(self.first_line(l) for l in lines)
def translate_lines(self, lines):
"""Implement `FileReporter.translate_lines`."""
return self.first_lines(lines)
def translate_arcs(self, arcs):
"""Implement `FileReporter.translate_arcs`."""
return [(self.first_line(a), self.first_line(b)) for (a, b) in arcs]
def parse_source(self):
"""Parse source text to find executable lines, excluded lines, etc.
Sets the .excluded and .statements attributes, normalized to the first
line of multi-line statements.
except (tokenize.TokenError, IndentationError) as err:
if hasattr(err, "lineno"):
lineno = err.lineno # IndentationError
lineno = err.args[1][0] # TokenError
raise NotPython(
u"Couldn't parse '%s' as Python source: '%s' at line %d" % (
self.filename, err.args[0], lineno
self.excluded = self.first_lines(self.raw_excluded)
ignore = self.excluded | self.raw_docstrings
starts = self.raw_statements - ignore
self.statements = self.first_lines(starts) - ignore
def arcs(self):
"""Get information about the arcs available in the code.
Returns a set of line number pairs. Line numbers have been normalized
to the first line of multi-line statements.
if self._all_arcs is None:
return self._all_arcs
def _analyze_ast(self):
"""Run the AstArcAnalyzer and save its results.
`_all_arcs` is the set of arcs in the code.
aaa = AstArcAnalyzer(self.text, self.raw_statements, self._multiline)
self._all_arcs = set()
for l1, l2 in aaa.arcs:
fl1 = self.first_line(l1)
fl2 = self.first_line(l2)
if fl1 != fl2:
self._all_arcs.add((fl1, fl2))
self._missing_arc_fragments = aaa.missing_arc_fragments
def exit_counts(self):
"""Get a count of exits from that each line.
Excluded lines are excluded.
exit_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for l1, l2 in self.arcs():
if l1 < 0:
# Don't ever report -1 as a line number
if l1 in self.excluded:
# Don't report excluded lines as line numbers.
if l2 in self.excluded:
# Arcs to excluded lines shouldn't count.
exit_counts[l1] += 1
# Class definitions have one extra exit, so remove one for each:
for l in self.raw_classdefs:
# Ensure key is there: class definitions can include excluded lines.
if l in exit_counts:
exit_counts[l] -= 1
return exit_counts
def missing_arc_description(self, start, end, executed_arcs=None):
"""Provide an English sentence describing a missing arc."""
if self._missing_arc_fragments is None:
actual_start = start
if (
executed_arcs and
end < 0 and end == -start and
(end, start) not in executed_arcs and
(end, start) in self._missing_arc_fragments
# It's a one-line callable, and we never even started it,
# and we have a message about not starting it.
start, end = end, start
fragment_pairs = self._missing_arc_fragments.get((start, end), [(None, None)])
msgs = []
for fragment_pair in fragment_pairs:
smsg, emsg = fragment_pair
if emsg is None:
if end < 0:
# Hmm, maybe we have a one-line callable, let's check.
if (-end, end) in self._missing_arc_fragments:
return self.missing_arc_description(-end, end)
emsg = "didn't jump to the function exit"
emsg = "didn't jump to line {lineno}"
emsg = emsg.format(lineno=end)
msg = "line {start} {emsg}".format(start=actual_start, emsg=emsg)
if smsg is not None:
msg += ", because {smsg}".format(smsg=smsg.format(lineno=actual_start))
return " or ".join(msgs)
class ByteParser(object):
"""Parse bytecode to understand the structure of code."""
def __init__(self, text, code=None, filename=None):
self.text = text
if code:
self.code = code
self.code = compile_unicode(text, filename, "exec")
except SyntaxError as synerr:
raise NotPython(
u"Couldn't parse '%s' as Python source: '%s' at line %d" % (
filename, synerr.msg, synerr.lineno
# Alternative Python implementations don't always provide all the
# attributes on code objects that we need to do the analysis.
for attr in ['co_lnotab', 'co_firstlineno']:
if not hasattr(self.code, attr):
raise StopEverything( # pragma: only jython
"This implementation of Python doesn't support code analysis.\n"
"Run under another Python for this command."
def child_parsers(self):
"""Iterate over all the code objects nested within this one.
The iteration includes `self` as its first value.
children = CodeObjects(self.code)
return (ByteParser(self.text, code=c) for c in children)
def _bytes_lines(self):
"""Map byte offsets to line numbers in `code`.
Uses co_lnotab described in Python/compile.c to map byte offsets to
line numbers. Produces a sequence: (b0, l0), (b1, l1), ...
Only byte offsets that correspond to line numbers are included in the
# Adapted from in the standard library.
byte_increments = bytes_to_ints(self.code.co_lnotab[0::2])
line_increments = bytes_to_ints(self.code.co_lnotab[1::2])
last_line_num = None
line_num = self.code.co_firstlineno
byte_num = 0
for byte_incr, line_incr in zip(byte_increments, line_increments):
if byte_incr:
if line_num != last_line_num:
yield (byte_num, line_num)
last_line_num = line_num
byte_num += byte_incr
if env.PYVERSION >= (3, 6) and line_incr >= 0x80:
line_incr -= 0x100
line_num += line_incr
if line_num != last_line_num:
yield (byte_num, line_num)
def _find_statements(self):
"""Find the statements in `self.code`.
Produce a sequence of line numbers that start statements. Recurses
into all code objects reachable from `self.code`.
for bp in self.child_parsers():
# Get all of the lineno information from this code.
for _, l in bp._bytes_lines():
yield l
# AST analysis
class LoopBlock(object):
"""A block on the block stack representing a `for` or `while` loop."""
def __init__(self, start):
# The line number where the loop starts.
self.start = start
# A set of ArcStarts, the arcs from break statements exiting this loop.
self.break_exits = set()
class FunctionBlock(object):
"""A block on the block stack representing a function definition."""
@contract(start=int, name=str)
def __init__(self, start, name):
# The line number where the function starts.
self.start = start
# The name of the function. = name
class TryBlock(object):
"""A block on the block stack representing a `try` block."""
@contract(handler_start='int|None', final_start='int|None')
def __init__(self, handler_start, final_start):
# The line number of the first "except" handler, if any.
self.handler_start = handler_start
# The line number of the "finally:" clause, if any.
self.final_start = final_start
# The ArcStarts for breaks/continues/returns/raises inside the "try:"
# that need to route through the "finally:" clause.
self.break_from = set()
self.continue_from = set()
self.return_from = set()
self.raise_from = set()
class ArcStart(collections.namedtuple("Arc", "lineno, cause")):
"""The information needed to start an arc.
`lineno` is the line number the arc starts from.
`cause` is an English text fragment used as the `startmsg` for
AstArcAnalyzer.missing_arc_fragments. It will be used to describe why an
arc wasn't executed, so should fit well into a sentence of the form,
"Line 17 didn't run because {cause}." The fragment can include "{lineno}"
to have `lineno` interpolated into it.
def __new__(cls, lineno, cause=None):
return super(ArcStart, cls).__new__(cls, lineno, cause)
# Define contract words that PyContract doesn't have.
# ArcStarts is for a list or set of ArcStart's.
new_contract('ArcStarts', lambda seq: all(isinstance(x, ArcStart) for x in seq))
# Turn on AST dumps with an environment variable.
AST_DUMP = bool(int(os.environ.get("COVERAGE_AST_DUMP", 0)))
class NodeList(object):
"""A synthetic fictitious node, containing a sequence of nodes.
This is used when collapsing optimized if-statements, to represent the
unconditional execution of one of the clauses.
def __init__(self, body):
self.body = body
self.lineno = body[0].lineno
# TODO: some add_arcs methods here don't add arcs, they return them. Rename them.
# TODO: the cause messages have too many commas.
# TODO: Shouldn't the cause messages join with "and" instead of "or"?
class AstArcAnalyzer(object):
"""Analyze source text with an AST to find executable code paths."""
@contract(text='unicode', statements=set)
def __init__(self, text, statements, multiline):
self.root_node = ast.parse(neuter_encoding_declaration(text))
# TODO: I think this is happening in too many places.
self.statements = set(multiline.get(l, l) for l in statements)
self.multiline = multiline
if AST_DUMP: # pragma: debugging
# Dump the AST so that failing tests have helpful output.
print("Statements: {0}".format(self.statements))
print("Multiline map: {0}".format(self.multiline))
self.arcs = set()
# A map from arc pairs to a list of pairs of sentence fragments:
# { (start, end): [(startmsg, endmsg), ...], }
# For an arc from line 17, they should be usable like:
# "Line 17 {endmsg}, because {startmsg}"
self.missing_arc_fragments = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.block_stack = []
self.debug = bool(int(os.environ.get("COVERAGE_TRACK_ARCS", 0)))
def analyze(self):
"""Examine the AST tree from `root_node` to determine possible arcs.
This sets the `arcs` attribute to be a set of (from, to) line number
for node in ast.walk(self.root_node):
node_name = node.__class__.__name__
code_object_handler = getattr(self, "_code_object__" + node_name, None)
if code_object_handler is not None:
@contract(start=int, end=int)
def add_arc(self, start, end, smsg=None, emsg=None):
"""Add an arc, including message fragments to use if it is missing."""
if self.debug: # pragma: debugging
print("\nAdding arc: ({}, {}): {!r}, {!r}".format(start, end, smsg, emsg))
self.arcs.add((start, end))
if smsg is not None or emsg is not None:
self.missing_arc_fragments[(start, end)].append((smsg, emsg))
def nearest_blocks(self):
"""Yield the blocks in nearest-to-farthest order."""
return reversed(self.block_stack)
def line_for_node(self, node):
"""What is the right line number to use for this node?
This dispatches to _line__Node functions where needed.
node_name = node.__class__.__name__
handler = getattr(self, "_line__" + node_name, None)
if handler is not None:
return handler(node)
return node.lineno
def _line_decorated(self, node):
"""Compute first line number for things that can be decorated (classes and functions)."""
lineno = node.lineno
if env.PYBEHAVIOR.trace_decorated_def:
if node.decorator_list:
lineno = node.decorator_list[0].lineno
return lineno
def _line__Assign(self, node):
return self.line_for_node(node.value)
_line__ClassDef = _line_decorated
def _line__Dict(self, node):
# Python 3.5 changed how dict literals are made.
if env.PYVERSION >= (3, 5) and node.keys:
if node.keys[0] is not None:
return node.keys[0].lineno
# Unpacked dict literals `{**{'a':1}}` have None as the key,
# use the value in that case.
return node.values[0].lineno
return node.lineno
_line__FunctionDef = _line_decorated
def _line__List(self, node):
if node.elts:
return self.line_for_node(node.elts[0])
return node.lineno
def _line__Module(self, node):
if node.body:
return self.line_for_node(node.body[0])
# Empty modules have no line number, they always start at 1.
return 1
# The node types that just flow to the next node with no complications.
"Assign", "Assert", "AugAssign", "Delete", "Exec", "Expr", "Global",
"Import", "ImportFrom", "Nonlocal", "Pass", "Print",
def add_arcs(self, node):
"""Add the arcs for `node`.
Return a set of ArcStarts, exits from this node to the next. Because a
node represents an entire sub-tree (including its children), the exits
from a node can be arbitrarily complex::
if something(1):
if other(2):
There are two exits from line 1: they start at line 3 and line 5.
node_name = node.__class__.__name__
handler = getattr(self, "_handle__" + node_name, None)
if handler is not None:
return handler(node)
# No handler: either it's something that's ok to default (a simple
# statement), or it's something we overlooked. Change this 0 to 1
# to see if it's overlooked.
if 0:
if node_name not in self.OK_TO_DEFAULT:
print("*** Unhandled: {0}".format(node))
# Default for simple statements: one exit from this node.
return set([ArcStart(self.line_for_node(node))])
@one_of("from_start, prev_starts")
def add_body_arcs(self, body, from_start=None, prev_starts=None):
"""Add arcs for the body of a compound statement.
`body` is the body node. `from_start` is a single `ArcStart` that can
be the previous line in flow before this body. `prev_starts` is a set
of ArcStarts that can be the previous line. Only one of them should be
Returns a set of ArcStarts, the exits from this body.
if prev_starts is None:
prev_starts = set([from_start])
for body_node in body:
lineno = self.line_for_node(body_node)
first_line = self.multiline.get(lineno, lineno)
if first_line not in self.statements:
body_node = self.find_non_missing_node(body_node)
if body_node is None:
lineno = self.line_for_node(body_node)
for prev_start in prev_starts:
self.add_arc(prev_start.lineno, lineno, prev_start.cause)
prev_starts = self.add_arcs(body_node)
return prev_starts
def find_non_missing_node(self, node):
"""Search `node` looking for a child that has not been optimized away.
This might return the node you started with, or it will work recursively
to find a child node in self.statements.
Returns a node, or None if none of the node remains.
# This repeats work just done in add_body_arcs, but this duplication
# means we can avoid a function call in the 99.9999% case of not
# optimizing away statements.
lineno = self.line_for_node(node)
first_line = self.multiline.get(lineno, lineno)
if first_line in self.statements:
return node
missing_fn = getattr(self, "_missing__" + node.__class__.__name__, None)
if missing_fn:
node = missing_fn(node)
node = None
return node
# Missing nodes: _missing__*
# Entire statements can be optimized away by Python. They will appear in
# the AST, but not the bytecode. These functions are called (by
# find_non_missing_node) to find a node to use instead of the missing
# node. They can return None if the node should truly be gone.
def _missing__If(self, node):
# If the if-node is missing, then one of its children might still be
# here, but not both. So return the first of the two that isn't missing.
# Use a NodeList to hold the clauses as a single node.
non_missing = self.find_non_missing_node(NodeList(node.body))
if non_missing:
return non_missing
if node.orelse:
return self.find_non_missing_node(NodeList(node.orelse))
return None
def _missing__NodeList(self, node):
# A NodeList might be a mixture of missing and present nodes. Find the
# ones that are present.
non_missing_children = []
for child in node.body:
child = self.find_non_missing_node(child)
if child is not None:
# Return the simplest representation of the present children.
if not non_missing_children:
return None
if len(non_missing_children) == 1:
return non_missing_children[0]
return NodeList(non_missing_children)
def _missing__While(self, node):
body_nodes = self.find_non_missing_node(NodeList(node.body))
if not body_nodes:
return None
# Make a synthetic While-true node.
new_while = ast.While()
new_while.lineno = body_nodes.lineno
new_while.test = ast.Name()
new_while.test.lineno = body_nodes.lineno = "True"
new_while.body = body_nodes.body
new_while.orelse = None
return new_while
def is_constant_expr(self, node):
"""Is this a compile-time constant?"""
node_name = node.__class__.__name__
if node_name in ["Constant", "NameConstant", "Num"]:
return "Num"
elif node_name == "Name":
if in ["True", "False", "None", "__debug__"]:
return "Name"
return None
# In the fullness of time, these might be good tests to write:
# while EXPR:
# while False:
# listcomps hidden deep in other expressions
# listcomps hidden in lists: x = [[i for i in range(10)]]
# nested function definitions
# Exit processing: process_*_exits
# These functions process the four kinds of jump exits: break, continue,
# raise, and return. To figure out where an exit goes, we have to look at
# the block stack context. For example, a break will jump to the nearest
# enclosing loop block, or the nearest enclosing finally block, whichever
# is nearer.
def process_break_exits(self, exits):
"""Add arcs due to jumps from `exits` being breaks."""
for block in self.nearest_blocks():
if isinstance(block, LoopBlock):
elif isinstance(block, TryBlock) and block.final_start is not None:
def process_continue_exits(self, exits):
"""Add arcs due to jumps from `exits` being continues."""
for block in self.nearest_blocks():
if isinstance(block, LoopBlock):
for xit in exits:
self.add_arc(xit.lineno, block.start, xit.cause)
elif isinstance(block, TryBlock) and block.final_start is not None:
def process_raise_exits(self, exits):
"""Add arcs due to jumps from `exits` being raises."""
for block in self.nearest_blocks():
if isinstance(block, TryBlock):
if block.handler_start is not None:
for xit in exits:
self.add_arc(xit.lineno, block.handler_start, xit.cause)
elif block.final_start is not None:
elif isinstance(block, FunctionBlock):
for xit in exits:
xit.lineno, -block.start, xit.cause,
"didn't except from function '{0}'".format(,
def process_return_exits(self, exits):
"""Add arcs due to jumps from `exits` being returns."""
for block in self.nearest_blocks():
if isinstance(block, TryBlock) and block.final_start is not None:
elif isinstance(block, FunctionBlock):
for xit in exits:
xit.lineno, -block.start, xit.cause,
"didn't return from function '{0}'".format(,
# Handlers: _handle__*
# Each handler deals with a specific AST node type, dispatched from
# add_arcs. Handlers return the set of exits from that node, and can
# also call self.add_arc to record arcs they find. These functions mirror
# the Python semantics of each syntactic construct. See the docstring
# for add_arcs to understand the concept of exits from a node.
def _handle__Break(self, node):
here = self.line_for_node(node)
break_start = ArcStart(here, cause="the break on line {lineno} wasn't executed")
return set()
def _handle_decorated(self, node):
"""Add arcs for things that can be decorated (classes and functions)."""
main_line = last = node.lineno
if node.decorator_list:
if env.PYBEHAVIOR.trace_decorated_def:
last = None
for dec_node in node.decorator_list:
dec_start = self.line_for_node(dec_node)
if last is not None and dec_start != last:
self.add_arc(last, dec_start)
last = dec_start
if env.PYBEHAVIOR.trace_decorated_def:
self.add_arc(last, main_line)
last = main_line
# The definition line may have been missed, but we should have it
# in `self.statements`. For some constructs, `line_for_node` is
# not what we'd think of as the first line in the statement, so map
# it to the first one.
if node.body:
body_start = self.line_for_node(node.body[0])
body_start = self.multiline.get(body_start, body_start)
for lineno in range(last+1, body_start):
if lineno in self.statements:
self.add_arc(last, lineno)
last = lineno
# The body is handled in collect_arcs.
return set([ArcStart(last)])
_handle__ClassDef = _handle_decorated
def _handle__Continue(self, node):
here = self.line_for_node(node)
continue_start = ArcStart(here, cause="the continue on line {lineno} wasn't executed")
return set()
def _handle__For(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node.iter)
from_start = ArcStart(start, cause="the loop on line {lineno} never started")
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=from_start)
# Any exit from the body will go back to the top of the loop.
for xit in exits:
self.add_arc(xit.lineno, start, xit.cause)
my_block = self.block_stack.pop()
exits = my_block.break_exits
from_start = ArcStart(start, cause="the loop on line {lineno} didn't complete")
if node.orelse:
else_exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.orelse, from_start=from_start)
exits |= else_exits
# No else clause: exit from the for line.
return exits
_handle__AsyncFor = _handle__For
_handle__FunctionDef = _handle_decorated
_handle__AsyncFunctionDef = _handle_decorated
def _handle__If(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node.test)
from_start = ArcStart(start, cause="the condition on line {lineno} was never true")
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=from_start)
from_start = ArcStart(start, cause="the condition on line {lineno} was never false")
exits |= self.add_body_arcs(node.orelse, from_start=from_start)
return exits
def _handle__NodeList(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node)
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=ArcStart(start))
return exits
def _handle__Raise(self, node):
here = self.line_for_node(node)
raise_start = ArcStart(here, cause="the raise on line {lineno} wasn't executed")
# `raise` statement jumps away, no exits from here.
return set()
def _handle__Return(self, node):
here = self.line_for_node(node)
return_start = ArcStart(here, cause="the return on line {lineno} wasn't executed")
# `return` statement jumps away, no exits from here.
return set()
def _handle__Try(self, node):
if node.handlers:
handler_start = self.line_for_node(node.handlers[0])
handler_start = None
if node.finalbody:
final_start = self.line_for_node(node.finalbody[0])
final_start = None
try_block = TryBlock(handler_start, final_start)
start = self.line_for_node(node)
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=ArcStart(start))
# We're done with the `try` body, so this block no longer handles
# exceptions. We keep the block so the `finally` clause can pick up
# flows from the handlers and `else` clause.
if node.finalbody:
try_block.handler_start = None
if node.handlers:
# If there are `except` clauses, then raises in the try body
# will already jump to them. Start this set over for raises in
# `except` and `else`.
try_block.raise_from = set([])
handler_exits = set()
if node.handlers:
last_handler_start = None
for handler_node in node.handlers:
handler_start = self.line_for_node(handler_node)
if last_handler_start is not None:
self.add_arc(last_handler_start, handler_start)
last_handler_start = handler_start
from_cause = "the exception caught by line {lineno} didn't happen"
from_start = ArcStart(handler_start, cause=from_cause)
handler_exits |= self.add_body_arcs(handler_node.body, from_start=from_start)
if node.orelse:
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.orelse, prev_starts=exits)
exits |= handler_exits
if node.finalbody:
final_from = ( # You can get to the `finally` clause from:
exits | # the exits of the body or `else` clause,
try_block.break_from | # or a `break`,
try_block.continue_from | # or a `continue`,
try_block.raise_from | # or a `raise`,
try_block.return_from # or a `return`.
final_exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.finalbody, prev_starts=final_from)
if try_block.break_from:
if env.PYBEHAVIOR.finally_jumps_back:
for break_line in try_block.break_from:
lineno = break_line.lineno
cause = break_line.cause.format(lineno=lineno)
for final_exit in final_exits:
self.add_arc(final_exit.lineno, lineno, cause)
breaks = try_block.break_from
breaks = self._combine_finally_starts(try_block.break_from, final_exits)
if try_block.continue_from:
if env.PYBEHAVIOR.finally_jumps_back:
for continue_line in try_block.continue_from:
lineno = continue_line.lineno
cause = continue_line.cause.format(lineno=lineno)
for final_exit in final_exits:
self.add_arc(final_exit.lineno, lineno, cause)
continues = try_block.continue_from
continues = self._combine_finally_starts(try_block.continue_from, final_exits)
if try_block.raise_from:
self._combine_finally_starts(try_block.raise_from, final_exits)
if try_block.return_from:
if env.PYBEHAVIOR.finally_jumps_back:
for return_line in try_block.return_from:
lineno = return_line.lineno
cause = return_line.cause.format(lineno=lineno)
for final_exit in final_exits:
self.add_arc(final_exit.lineno, lineno, cause)
returns = try_block.return_from
returns = self._combine_finally_starts(try_block.return_from, final_exits)
if exits:
# The finally clause's exits are only exits for the try block
# as a whole if the try block had some exits to begin with.
exits = final_exits
return exits
@contract(starts='ArcStarts', exits='ArcStarts', returns='ArcStarts')
def _combine_finally_starts(self, starts, exits):
"""Helper for building the cause of `finally` branches.
"finally" clauses might not execute their exits, and the causes could
be due to a failure to execute any of the exits in the try block. So
we use the causes from `starts` as the causes for `exits`.
causes = []
for start in sorted(starts):
if start.cause is not None:
cause = " or ".join(causes)
exits = set(ArcStart(xit.lineno, cause) for xit in exits)
return exits
def _handle__TryExcept(self, node):
# Python 2.7 uses separate TryExcept and TryFinally nodes. If we get
# TryExcept, it means there was no finally, so fake it, and treat as
# a general Try node.
node.finalbody = []
return self._handle__Try(node)
def _handle__TryFinally(self, node):
# Python 2.7 uses separate TryExcept and TryFinally nodes. If we get
# TryFinally, see if there's a TryExcept nested inside. If so, merge
# them. Otherwise, fake fields to complete a Try node.
node.handlers = []
node.orelse = []
first = node.body[0]
if first.__class__.__name__ == "TryExcept" and node.lineno == first.lineno:
assert len(node.body) == 1
node.body = first.body
node.handlers = first.handlers
node.orelse = first.orelse
return self._handle__Try(node)
def _handle__While(self, node):
constant_test = self.is_constant_expr(node.test)
start = to_top = self.line_for_node(node.test)
if constant_test and (env.PY3 or constant_test == "Num"):
to_top = self.line_for_node(node.body[0])
from_start = ArcStart(start, cause="the condition on line {lineno} was never true")
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=from_start)
for xit in exits:
self.add_arc(xit.lineno, to_top, xit.cause)
exits = set()
my_block = self.block_stack.pop()
from_start = ArcStart(start, cause="the condition on line {lineno} was never false")
if node.orelse:
else_exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.orelse, from_start=from_start)
exits |= else_exits
# No `else` clause: you can exit from the start.
if not constant_test:
return exits
def _handle__With(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node)
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=ArcStart(start))
return exits
_handle__AsyncWith = _handle__With
def _code_object__Module(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node)
if node.body:
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=ArcStart(-start))
for xit in exits:
self.add_arc(xit.lineno, -start, xit.cause, "didn't exit the module")
# Empty module.
self.add_arc(-start, start)
self.add_arc(start, -start)
def _code_object__FunctionDef(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node)
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=ArcStart(-start))
_code_object__AsyncFunctionDef = _code_object__FunctionDef
def _code_object__ClassDef(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node)
self.add_arc(-start, start)
exits = self.add_body_arcs(node.body, from_start=ArcStart(start))
for xit in exits:
xit.lineno, -start, xit.cause,
"didn't exit the body of class '{0}'".format(,
def _make_oneline_code_method(noun): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
"""A function to make methods for online callable _code_object__ methods."""
def _code_object__oneline_callable(self, node):
start = self.line_for_node(node)
self.add_arc(-start, start, None, "didn't run the {0} on line {1}".format(noun, start))
start, -start, None,
"didn't finish the {0} on line {1}".format(noun, start),
return _code_object__oneline_callable
_code_object__Lambda = _make_oneline_code_method("lambda")
_code_object__GeneratorExp = _make_oneline_code_method("generator expression")
_code_object__DictComp = _make_oneline_code_method("dictionary comprehension")
_code_object__SetComp = _make_oneline_code_method("set comprehension")
if env.PY3:
_code_object__ListComp = _make_oneline_code_method("list comprehension")
if AST_DUMP: # pragma: debugging
# Code only used when dumping the AST for debugging.
def _is_simple_value(value):
"""Is `value` simple enough to be displayed on a single line?"""
return (
value in [None, [], (), {}, set()] or
isinstance(value, (string_class, int, float))
def ast_dump(node, depth=0):
"""Dump the AST for `node`.
This recursively walks the AST, printing a readable version.
indent = " " * depth
if not isinstance(node, ast.AST):
print("{0}<{1} {2!r}>".format(indent, node.__class__.__name__, node))
lineno = getattr(node, "lineno", None)
if lineno is not None:
linemark = " @ {0}".format(node.lineno)
linemark = ""
head = "{0}<{1}{2}".format(indent, node.__class__.__name__, linemark)
named_fields = [
(name, value)
for name, value in ast.iter_fields(node)
if name not in SKIP_DUMP_FIELDS
if not named_fields:
elif len(named_fields) == 1 and _is_simple_value(named_fields[0][1]):
field_name, value = named_fields[0]
print("{0} {1}: {2!r}>".format(head, field_name, value))
if 0:
print("{0}# mro: {1}".format(
indent, ", ".join(c.__name__ for c in node.__class__.__mro__[1:]),
next_indent = indent + " "
for field_name, value in named_fields:
prefix = "{0}{1}:".format(next_indent, field_name)
if _is_simple_value(value):
print("{0} {1!r}".format(prefix, value))
elif isinstance(value, list):
print("{0} [".format(prefix))
for n in value:
ast_dump(n, depth + 8)
ast_dump(value, depth + 8)