2019-04-23 13:10:21 +02:00

267 lines
10 KiB

"""Checks related to ansible specific best practices."""
import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from ansiblelater.command.candidates import Error
from ansiblelater.command.candidates import Result
from ansiblelater.utils import count_spaces
from ansiblelater.utils.rulehelper import get_normalized_tasks
from ansiblelater.utils.rulehelper import get_normalized_yaml
def check_braces_spaces(candidate, settings):
yamllines, errors = get_normalized_yaml(candidate, settings)
conf = settings["ansible"]["double-braces"]
description = "no suitable numbers of spaces (min: {min} max: {max})".format(
min=conf["min-spaces-inside"], max=conf["max-spaces-inside"])
matches = []
braces = re.compile("{{(.*?)}}")
if not errors:
for i, line in yamllines:
match = braces.findall(line)
if match:
for item in match:
matches.append((i, item))
for i, line in matches:
[leading, trailing] = count_spaces(line)
sum_spaces = leading + trailing
if (
(sum_spaces < conf["min-spaces-inside"] * 2)
or (sum_spaces > conf["min-spaces-inside"] * 2)
errors.append(Error(i, description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_named_task(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
nameless_tasks = ["meta", "debug", "include_role", "import_role",
"include_tasks", "import_tasks", "include_vars",
description = "module '%s' used without name attribute"
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
module = task["action"]["__ansible_module__"]
if "name" not in task and module not in nameless_tasks:
errors.append(Error(task["__line__"], description % module))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_name_format(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
description = "name '%s' should start with uppercase"
namelines = defaultdict(list)
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
if "name" in task:
for (name, lines) in namelines.items():
if not name[0].isupper():
errors.append(Error(lines[-1], description % name))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_unique_named_task(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
description = "name '%s' appears multiple times"
namelines = defaultdict(list)
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
if "name" in task:
for (name, lines) in namelines.items():
if len(lines) > 1:
errors.append(Error(lines[-1], description % name))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_command_instead_of_module(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
commands = ["command", "shell", "raw"]
modules = {
"git": "git", "hg": "hg", "curl": "get_url or uri", "wget": "get_url or uri",
"svn": "subversion", "service": "service", "mount": "mount",
"rpm": "yum or rpm_key", "yum": "yum", "apt-get": "apt-get",
"unzip": "unarchive", "tar": "unarchive", "chkconfig": "service",
"rsync": "synchronize", "supervisorctl": "supervisorctl", "systemctl": "systemd",
"sed": "template or lineinfile"
description = "%s command used in place of %s module"
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
if task["action"]["__ansible_module__"] in commands:
if "cmd" in task["action"]:
first_cmd_arg = task["action"]["cmd"].split()[0]
first_cmd_arg = task["action"]["__ansible_arguments__"][0]
executable = os.path.basename(first_cmd_arg)
if (first_cmd_arg and executable in modules
and task["action"].get("warn", True) and "register" not in task):
Error(task["__line__"], description % (executable, modules[executable])))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_install_use_latest(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
package_managers = ["yum", "apt", "dnf", "homebrew", "pacman", "openbsd_package", "pkg5",
"portage", "pkgutil", "slackpkg", "swdepot", "zypper", "bundler", "pip",
"pear", "npm", "yarn", "gem", "easy_install", "bower", "package", "apk",
"openbsd_pkg", "pkgng", "sorcery", "xbps"]
description = "package installs should use state=present with or without a version"
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
if (task["action"]["__ansible_module__"] in package_managers
and task["action"].get("state") == "latest"):
errors.append(Error(task["__line__"], description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_shell_instead_command(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
description = "shell should only be used when piping, redirecting or chaining commands"
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
if task["action"]["__ansible_module__"] == "shell":
if "cmd" in task["action"]:
cmd = task["action"].get("cmd", [])
cmd = " ".join(task["action"].get("__ansible_arguments__", []))
unjinja = re.sub(r"\{\{[^\}]*\}\}", "JINJA_VAR", cmd)
if not any([ch in unjinja for ch in "&|<>;$\n*[]{}?"]):
errors.append(Error(task["__line__"], description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_command_has_changes(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
commands = ["command", "shell", "raw"]
description = "commands should either read information (and thus set changed_when) or not " \
"do something if it has already been done (using creates/removes) " \
"or only do it if another check has a particular result (when)"
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
if task["action"]["__ansible_module__"] in commands:
if ("changed_when" not in task and "when" not in task
and "when" not in task["__ansible_action_meta__"]
and "creates" not in task["action"]
and "removes" not in task["action"]):
errors.append(Error(task["__line__"], description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_empty_string_compare(candidate, settings):
yamllines, errors = get_normalized_yaml(candidate, settings)
description = "use `when: var` rather than `when: var != ""` (or " \
"conversely `when: not var` rather than `when: var == ""`)"
empty_string_compare = re.compile("[=!]= ?[\"'][\"']")
if not errors:
for i, line in yamllines:
if empty_string_compare.findall(line):
errors.append(Error(i, description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_compare_to_literal_bool(candidate, settings):
yamllines, errors = get_normalized_yaml(candidate, settings)
description = "use `when: var` rather than `when: var == True` " \
"(or conversely `when: not var`)"
literal_bool_compare = re.compile("[=!]= ?(True|true|False|false)")
if not errors:
for i, line in yamllines:
if literal_bool_compare.findall(line):
errors.append(Error(i, description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_delegate_to_localhost(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
description = "connection: local ensures that unexpected delegated_vars " \
"don't get set (e.g. {{ inventory_hostname }} " \
"used by vars_files)"
if not errors:
for task in tasks:
if task.get("delegate_to") == "localhost":
errors.append(Error(task["__line__"], description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_literal_bool_format(candidate, settings):
yamllines, errors = get_normalized_yaml(candidate, settings)
description = "literal bools should be written as 'True/False' or 'yes/no'"
uppercase_bool = re.compile(r"([=!]=|:)\s*(true|false|TRUE|FALSE|Yes|No|YES|NO)\s*$")
if not errors:
for i, line in yamllines:
if uppercase_bool.findall(line):
errors.append(Error(i, description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_become_user(candidate, settings):
tasks, errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings)
description = "the task has 'become:' enabled but 'become_user:' is missing"
true_value = [True, "true", "True", "TRUE", "yes", "Yes", "YES"]
if not errors:
gen = (task for task in tasks if "become" in task)
for task in gen:
if task["become"] in true_value and "become_user" not in task.keys():
errors.append(Error(task["__line__"], description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)
def check_filter_separation(candidate, settings):
yamllines, errors = get_normalized_yaml(candidate, settings)
description = "no suitable numbers of spaces (required: 1)"
matches = []
braces = re.compile("{{(.*?)}}")
filters = re.compile(r"(?<=\|)([\s]{2,}[^\s}]+|[^\s]+)|([^\s{]+[\s]{2,}|[^\s]+)(?=\|)")
if not errors:
for i, line in yamllines:
match = braces.findall(line)
if match:
for item in match:
matches.append((i, item))
for i, line in matches:
if filters.findall(line):
errors.append(Error(i, description))
return Result(candidate.path, errors)