Robert Kaussow 10aaa8e7e3 fix pytest
2019-04-11 15:56:20 +02:00

341 lines
15 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Blacklist various Python imports known to be dangerous
This blacklist data checks for a number of Python modules known to have
possible security implications. The following blacklist tests are run against
any import statements or calls encountered in the scanned code base.
Note that the XML rules listed here are mostly based off of Christian Heimes'
work on defusedxml:
B401: import_telnetlib
A telnet-related module is being imported. Telnet is considered insecure. Use
SSH or some other encrypted protocol.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B401 | import_telnetlib | - telnetlib | high |
B402: import_ftplib
A FTP-related module is being imported. FTP is considered insecure. Use
SSH/SFTP/SCP or some other encrypted protocol.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B402 | inport_ftplib | - ftplib | high |
B403: import_pickle
Consider possible security implications associated with these modules.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B403 | import_pickle | - pickle | low |
| | | - cPickle | |
| | | - dill | |
B404: import_subprocess
Consider possible security implications associated with these modules.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B404 | import_subprocess | - subprocess | low |
B405: import_xml_etree
Using various methods to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to
XML attacks. Replace vulnerable imports with the equivalent defusedxml package,
or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B405 | import_xml_etree | - xml.etree.cElementTree | low |
| | | - xml.etree.ElementTree | |
B406: import_xml_sax
Using various methods to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to
XML attacks. Replace vulnerable imports with the equivalent defusedxml package,
or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B406 | import_xml_sax | - xml.sax | low |
B407: import_xml_expat
Using various methods to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to
XML attacks. Replace vulnerable imports with the equivalent defusedxml package,
or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B407 | import_xml_expat | - xml.dom.expatbuilder | low |
B408: import_xml_minidom
Using various methods to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to
XML attacks. Replace vulnerable imports with the equivalent defusedxml package,
or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B408 | import_xml_minidom | - xml.dom.minidom | low |
B409: import_xml_pulldom
Using various methods to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to
XML attacks. Replace vulnerable imports with the equivalent defusedxml package,
or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B409 | import_xml_pulldom | - xml.dom.pulldom | low |
B410: import_lxml
Using various methods to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to
XML attacks. Replace vulnerable imports with the equivalent defusedxml package.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B410 | import_lxml | - lxml | low |
B411: import_xmlrpclib
XMLRPC is particularly dangerous as it is also concerned with communicating
data over a network. Use defused.xmlrpc.monkey_patch() function to monkey-patch
xmlrpclib and mitigate remote XML attacks.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B411 | import_xmlrpclib | - xmlrpclib | high |
B412: import_httpoxy
httpoxy is a set of vulnerabilities that affect application code running in
CGI, or CGI-like environments. The use of CGI for web applications should be
avoided to prevent this class of attack. More details are available
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B412 | import_httpoxy | - wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler | high |
| | | - twisted.web.twcgi.CGIScript | |
B413: import_pycrypto
pycrypto library is known to have publicly disclosed buffer overflow
vulnerability It is no longer
actively maintained and has been deprecated in favor of pyca/cryptography
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B413 | import_pycrypto | - Crypto.Cipher | high |
| | | - Crypto.Hash | |
| | | - Crypto.IO | |
| | | - Crypto.Protocol | |
| | | - Crypto.PublicKey | |
| | | - Crypto.Random | |
| | | - Crypto.Signature | |
| | | - Crypto.Util | |
B414: import_pycryptodome
pycryptodome is a direct fork of pycrypto that has not fully addressed
the issues inherent in PyCrypto. It seems to exist, mainly, as an API
compatible continuation of pycrypto and should be deprecated in favor
of pyca/cryptography which has more support among the Python community.
| ID | Name | Imports | Severity |
| B414 | import_pycryptodome | - Cryptodome.Cipher | high |
| | | - Cryptodome.Hash | |
| | | - Cryptodome.IO | |
| | | - Cryptodome.Protocol | |
| | | - Cryptodome.PublicKey | |
| | | - Cryptodome.Random | |
| | | - Cryptodome.Signature | |
| | | - Cryptodome.Util | |
from bandit.blacklists import utils
def gen_blacklist():
"""Generate a list of items to blacklist.
Methods of this type, "bandit.blacklist" plugins, are used to build a list
of items that bandit's built in blacklisting tests will use to trigger
issues. They replace the older blacklist* test plugins and allow
blacklisted items to have a unique bandit ID for filtering and profile
:return: a dictionary mapping node types to a list of blacklist data
sets = []
'import_telnetlib', 'B401', ['telnetlib'],
'A telnet-related module is being imported. Telnet is '
'considered insecure. Use SSH or some other encrypted protocol.',
'import_ftplib', 'B402', ['ftplib'],
'A FTP-related module is being imported. FTP is considered '
'insecure. Use SSH/SFTP/SCP or some other encrypted protocol.',
'import_pickle', 'B403', ['pickle', 'cPickle', 'dill'],
'Consider possible security implications associated with '
'{name} module.', 'LOW'
'import_subprocess', 'B404', ['subprocess'],
'Consider possible security implications associated with '
'{name} module.', 'LOW'
# Most of this is based off of Christian Heimes' work on defusedxml:
xml_msg = ('Using {name} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be '
'vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {name} with the equivalent '
'defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() '
'is called.')
lxml_msg = ('Using {name} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be '
'vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {name} with the '
'equivalent defusedxml package.')
'import_xml_etree', 'B405',
['xml.etree.cElementTree', 'xml.etree.ElementTree'], xml_msg, 'LOW'))
'import_xml_sax', 'B406', ['xml.sax'], xml_msg, 'LOW'))
'import_xml_expat', 'B407', ['xml.dom.expatbuilder'], xml_msg, 'LOW'))
'import_xml_minidom', 'B408', ['xml.dom.minidom'], xml_msg, 'LOW'))
'import_xml_pulldom', 'B409', ['xml.dom.pulldom'], xml_msg, 'LOW'))
'import_lxml', 'B410', ['lxml'], lxml_msg, 'LOW'))
'import_xmlrpclib', 'B411', ['xmlrpclib'],
'Using {name} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be '
'vulnerable to XML attacks. Use defused.xmlrpc.monkey_patch() '
'function to monkey-patch xmlrpclib and mitigate XML '
'vulnerabilities.', 'HIGH'))
'import_httpoxy', 'B412',
['wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler', 'twisted.web.twcgi.CGIScript',
'Consider possible security implications associated with '
'{name} module.', 'HIGH'
'import_pycrypto', 'B413',
'The pyCrypto library and its module {name} are no longer actively '
'maintained and have been deprecated. '
'Consider using pyca/cryptography library.', 'HIGH'))
'import_pycryptodome', 'B414',
'The pycryptodome library is not considered a secure alternative '
'to pycrypto.'
'Consider using pyca/cryptography library.', 'HIGH'))
return {'Import': sets, 'ImportFrom': sets, 'Call': sets}