2016-10-19 13:56:28 -04:00

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Use the S3 sync plugin to synchronize files and folders with an Amazon S3 bucket. The following parameters are used to configure this plugin:

  • access_key - amazon key
  • secret_key - amazon secret key
  • bucket - bucket name
  • region - bucket region (us-east-1, eu-west-1, etc)
  • acl - access to files that are uploaded (private, public-read, etc)
  • source - location of folder to sync
  • target - target folder in your S3 bucket
  • delete - deletes files in the target not found in the source
  • content_type - override default mime-types to use this value
  • content_encoding - override default content encoding header for files
  • cache_control - override default cache control header for files
  • metadata - set custom metadata
  • redirects - targets that should redirect elsewhere
  • cloudfront_distribution_id - (optional) the cloudfront distribution id to invalidate after syncing

The following is a sample S3 configuration in your .drone.yml file:

    acl: public-read
    region: "us-east-1"
    bucket: "my-bucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
    access_key: "970d28f4dd477bc184fbd10b376de753"
    secret_key: "9c5785d3ece6a9cdefa42eb99b58986f9095ff1c"
    source: folder/to/archive
    target: /target/location
    delete: true
    cloudfront_distribution_id: "9c5785d3ece6a9cdefa4"

The acl, content_type, cache_control, and content_encoding parameters can be passed as a string value to apply to all files, or as a map to apply to a subset of files.

For example:

      "public/*": public-read
      "private/*": private
      ".svg": image/svg+xml
      ".js": gzip
      ".css": gzip
    cache_control: "public, max-age: 31536000"
    region: "us-east-1"
    bucket: "my-bucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
    access_key: "970d28f4dd477bc184fbd10b376de753"
    secret_key: "9c5785d3ece6a9cdefa42eb99b58986f9095ff1c"
    source: folder/to/archive
    target: /target/location
    delete: true

In the case of acl the key of the map is a glob. If there are no matches in your settings for a given file, the default is "private".

The content_type field the key is an extension including the leading dot .. If you want to set a content type for files with no extension, set the key to the empty string "". If there are no matches for the content_type of any file, one will automatically be determined for you.

In the content_encoding field the key is an extension including the leading dot .. If you want to set a encoding type for files with no extension, set the key to th empty string "". If there are no matches for the content_encoding of a file, no content-encoding header will be added.

In the cache_control field the key is an extension including the leading dot .. If you want to set cahce control for files with no extension, set the key to th empty string "". If there are no matches for the cache_control of a file, no cache-control header will be added.

The metadata field can be set as either an object where the keys are the metadata headers:

    acl: public-read
    region: "us-east-1"
    bucket: "my-bucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
    access_key: "970d28f4dd477bc184fbd10b376de753"
    secret_key: "9c5785d3ece6a9cdefa42eb99b58986f9095ff1c"
    source: folder/to/archive
    target: /target/location
    delete: true
      custom-meta: "abc123"

Or you can specify metadata for file patterns by using a glob:

    acl: public-read
    region: "us-east-1"
    bucket: "my-bucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
    access_key: "970d28f4dd477bc184fbd10b376de753"
    secret_key: "9c5785d3ece6a9cdefa42eb99b58986f9095ff1c"
    source: folder/to/archive
    target: /target/location
    delete: true
        CustomMeta: "abc123"

Additionally, you can specify redirect targets for files that don't exist by using the redirects key:

    acl: public-read
    region: "us-east-1"
    bucket: "my-bucket.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
    access_key: "970d28f4dd477bc184fbd10b376de753"
    secret_key: "9c5785d3ece6a9cdefa42eb99b58986f9095ff1c"
    source: folder/to/archive
    target: /target/location
    delete: true
      some/missing/file: /somewhere/that/actually/exists