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Shortcodes 2021-05-23T20:00:00+01:00
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The theme bundles some handy shortcodes that tries to cover common situations.

{{< toc >}}


Buttons are styled links that can lead to local page or external link.

{{</* button relref="/" [class="...", size="large|regular"] */>}}Get Home{{</* /button */>}}
{{</* button href="" */>}}Contribute{{</* /button */>}}


{{< button relref="/" >}}Get Home{{< /button >}} {{< button href="" >}}Contribute{{< /button >}}


The Columns shortcode can be used to organize content side-by-side (horizontally) for better readability.

{{</* columns */>}} <!-- begin columns block -->
# Left Content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ...

<---> <!-- magic sparator, between columns -->

# Mid Content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ...

<---> <!-- magic sparator, between columns -->

# Right Content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no ...
{{</* /columns */>}}


{{< columns >}}


Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Pro ad prompts feud gait, quid exercise emeritus bis e. In pro quints consequent, denim fastidious copious quo ad. Stet probates in duo.


Mid Content

Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.


Right Content

Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Pro ad prompts feud gait, quid exercise emeritus bis e. In pro quints consequent, denim fastidious copious quo ad. Stet probates in duo. {{< /columns >}}


Emoji can be enabled in a Hugo project in a number of ways.

The emojify function can be called directly in templates or Inline Shortcodes. To enable emoji globally, set enableEmoji to true in your site's configuration and then you can type emoji shorthand codes directly in content files:

Result Inline Shortcode
{{< emojify "🙈" >}} :see_no_evil: {{</* emojify ":see_no_evil:" */>}}
{{< emojify "🙉" >}} :hear_no_evil: {{</* emojify ":hear_no_evil:" */>}}
{{< emojify "🙊" >}} :speak_no_evil: {{</* emojify ":speak_no_evil:" */>}}

The Emoji cheat sheet is a useful reference for emoji shorthand codes.

{{< hint info >}} Info
The above steps enable Unicode Standard emoji characters and sequences in Hugo, however the rendering of these glyphs depends on the browser and the platform. To style the emoji you can either use a third party emoji font or a font stack. {{< /hint >}}


{{< highlight html "linenos=table" >}} .emoji { font-family: Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, NotoColorEmoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Android Emoji, EmojiSymbols; } {{< /highlight >}}


Expand shortcode can help to decrease clutter on screen by hiding part of text. Expand content by clicking on it.



{{</* expand */>}}
## Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique ...
{{</* /expand */>}}

{{< expand >}}

Markdown content

Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /expand >}}

With Custom Label

{{</* expand "Custom Label" "..." */>}}
## Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique ...
{{</* /expand */>}}

{{< expand "Custom Label" "..." >}}

More markdown

Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Pro ad prompts feud gait, quid exercise emeritus bis e. In pro quints consequent, denim fastidious copious quo ad. Stet probates in duo. {{< /expand >}}


Hint shortcode can be used as hint/alerts/notification block. There are four colors to choose: info, ok, warning and danger.

{{</* hint [info|warning|danger] */>}}
**Markdown content**\
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture.
 Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.
{{</* /hint */>}}


{{< hint info >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}

{{< hint ok >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}

{{< hint warning >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}

{{< hint danger >}} Markdown content
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. {{< /hint >}}


Simple shortcode to include icons from SVG sprites outside of menus.

{{</* icon "thumbs-up" */>}}


Result Usage
{{< icon "thumbs-up" >}} {{</* icon "thumbs-up" */>}}
{{< icon "thumbs-down" >}} {{</* icon "thumbs-down" */>}}
{{< icon "laugh" >}} {{</* icon "laugh" */>}}
{{< icon "lemon" >}} {{</* icon "lemon" */>}}
{{< icon "moon" >}} {{</* icon "moon" */>}}


Tabs let you organize content by context, for example installation instructions for each supported platform.

{{</* tabs "uniqueid" */>}}
{{</* tab "macOS" */>}} # macOS Content {{</* /tab */>}}
{{</* tab "Linux" */>}} # Linux Content {{</* /tab */>}}
{{</* tab "Windows" */>}} # Windows Content {{</* /tab */>}}
{{</* /tabs */>}}


{{< tabs "uniqueid" >}} {{< tab "macOS" >}}


This is tab macOS content.

Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Pro ad prompts feud gait, quid exercise emeritus bis e. In pro quints consequent, denim fastidious copious quo ad. Stet probates in duo. {{< /tab >}}

{{< tab "Linux" >}}


This is tab Linux content.

Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Pro ad prompts feud gait, quid exercise emeritus bis e. In pro quints consequent, denim fastidious copious quo ad. Stet probates in duo. {{< /tab >}}

{{< tab "Windows" >}}


This is tab Windows content.

Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. Pro ad prompts feud gait, quid exercise emeritus bis e. In pro quints consequent. {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}