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Deployments 2021-05-23T20:00:00+01:00

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There are several ways to deploy your site with this theme on Netlify. Regardless of which solution you choose, the main goal is to ensure that the prebuilt theme release tarball is used or to run the required commands to prepare the theme assets before running the Hugo build command.

Here are some possible solutions:

Use a Makefile:

Add a Makefile to your repository to bundle the required steps.

THEME := hugo-geekblog
BASEDIR := docs
.PHONY: doc
doc: doc-assets doc-build
.PHONY: doc-assets
   mkdir -p $(THEMEDIR)/$(THEME)/ ; \
   curl -sSL "$(THEME)/releases/download/${THEME_VERSION}/$(THEME).tar.gz" | tar -xz -C $(THEMEDIR)/$(THEME)/ --strip-components=1
.PHONY: doc-build
        cd $(BASEDIR); hugo
.PHONY: clean
   rm -rf $(THEMEDIR) && \
   rm -rf $(BASEDIR)/public

This Makefile can be used in your netlify.toml, take a look at the Netlify example for more information:

publish = "docs/public"
command = "make doc"

Chain required commands:

Chain all required commands to prepare the theme and build your site on the command option in your netlify.toml like this:

publish = "docs/public"
command = "command1 && command 2 && command3 && hugo"


{{< hint danger >}} Warning
As deploying Hugo sites on subdirectories is not as robust as on subdomains, we do not recommend this. If you have a choice, using a domain/subdomain should always be the preferred solution! {{< /hint >}}

If you want to deploy your side to a subdirectory of your domain, some extra steps are required:

  • Configure your Hugo base URL e.g. baseURL = http://localhost/demo/.
  • Don't use relativeURLs: false nor canonifyURLs: true as is can cause unwanted side effects!

There are two ways to get Markdown links or images working:

  • Use the absolute path including your subdirectory e.g. [testlink](/demo/example-site)
  • Overwrite the HTML base in your site configuration with geekblogOverwriteHTMLBase = true and use the relative path e.g. [testlink](example-site)

But there is another special case if you use geekblogOverwriteHTMLBase = true. If you use anchors in your Markdown links you have to ensure to always include the page path. As an example [testlink](#some-anchor) will resolve to http://localhost/demo/#some-anchor and not automatically include the current page!