fix: fix filelist in template #83

xoxys merged 2 commits from test into main 2024-04-23 20:49:01 +02:00
1 changed files with 8 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
"{{ ds "type" }}": [
{{- $path := ds "source" }}
{{- $filelist := file.ReadDir $path }}
{{- $length := len $filelist}}
{{- range $i, $item := $filelist }}
{{- $filelist := coll.Slice }}
{{- range $item := file.ReadDir $path }}
{{- if $item | strings.HasPrefix "all-" }}{{ continue }}{{ end }}
{{- $filelist = $filelist | coll.Append $item }}
{{- end }}
{{- $last := sub (len $filelist) 1 }}
{{- range $i, $item := $filelist | coll.Sort }}
{{- if $item | strings.HasPrefix "all-" }}{{ continue }}{{ end }}
{{- if $i }},{{ end }}
"$ref": "{{ $path | path.Base }}/{{ $item }}"
}{{ if ne $i $last }},{{ end }}
{{- end }}