
2.6 KiB

Default settings

The default configuration is used if no other value is specified. Each option can be overridden in several ways.

{{< highlight YAML "linenos=table" >}}


Add the name of used custom Ansible modules. Otherwise ansible-later

can't detect unknown modules and will through an error.

Modules which are bundled with the role and placed in a './library'

directory will be auto-detected and don't need to be added to this list.

custom_modules: []

Settings for variable formatting rule (ANSIBLE0004)

double-braces: max-spaces-inside: 1 min-spaces-inside: 1

List of allowed literal bools (ANSIBLE0014)

literal-bools: - "True" - "False" - "yes" - "no"

Global logging configuration

If you would like to force colored output (e.g. non-tty)

set environment variable PY_COLORS=1


You can enable JSON logging if a parsable output is required

json: False

Possible options debug | info | warning | error | critical

level: "warning"

Global settings for all defined rules


Disable build-in rules if required

buildin: True

List of files to exclude

exclude_files: []


- molecule/

- files/**/*.py

Limit checks to given rule ID's

If empty all rules will be used.

filter: []

Exclude given rule ID's from checks

exclude_filter: []

List of rule ID's that should be displayed as a warning instead of an error. By default,

only rules whose version is higher than the current default version are marked as warnings.

This list allows to degrade errors to warnings for each rule.

warning_filter: - "ANSIBLE9999"

All dotfiles (including hidden folders) are excluded by default.

You can disable this setting and handle dotfiles by yourself with exclude_files.

ignore_dotfiles: True

List of directories to load standard rules from (defaults to build-in)

standards: []

Standard version to use. Standard version set in a roles meta file

or playbook will takes precedence.


Block to control included yamllint rules.


yamllint: colons: max-spaces-after: 1 max-spaces-before: 0 document-start: present: True empty-lines: max: 1 max-end: 1 max-start: 0 hyphens: max-spaces-after: 1 indentation: check-multi-line-strings: False indent-sequences: True spaces: 2 {{< /highlight >}}